
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Screening America in Hollywood Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Screening America in Hollywood Film - Essay Example Besides, post-war cultural changes affected the society as a whole and this is evident in the portrayal of male and female protagonists in general. Similarly, anxieties around gender identity resulted in the change in traditional gender roles, and it ended up in the formation of realistic role model for the working woman. Within this scenario, it is evident that post-war cultural changes and anxieties around gender identity forced the directors to portray the images of gender in post-war Hollywood cinema with difference. Thesis statement: The close examination of the images of gender in post-war Hollywood cinema, considering the ways in which films of this period illustrate both post-war cultural changes and anxieties around gender identity proves that post –war cultural changes resulted in the ideal image of professional male and suburban housewife, change in traditional gender roles, the image of working-class masculinity, the desire for sexual passivity, portrayal of weak male sexuality, female dissatisfaction, anxiety over changing nature of masculinity, unacceptability towards war-time masculinity, and the portrayal of gender roles as social constructions, and anxieties around gender identity resulted in the change in traditional gender identity, portrayal of tensions between male and fem ale members, changing female role (sexual freedom), conflict with disrupted gender roles, change in gender roles related to free education and loans for loans for homes and businesses, portrayal of the influence of consumerism over female gender role, the general urge to link femininity to domesticity, disrupting home life, and emergence of realistic role model for the working woman (special references to the post-WWII films related to post-war cultural changes and anxieties around gender identity). One can see that the WWII resulted in the mass migration from urban areas to suburban areas within the different states in US. To be specific, this can be

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