
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ap Bio Respiration Frq

40) Describe the structure of a mammalian respiratory system. Include in your discussion the mechanisms of inspiration and expiration. In mammals, oxygen first passes through the nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is covered with mucus and cicilia to filter the air. The nasal cavity leads to the pharynx. The pharynx consists of the eustachian tube and the tonsils. The inhaled air then passes to the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. The bronchi lead to the bronchioles in the lungs. In the lungs the pleural membrane facilitates breathing. The bronchioles end in microscopic alveoli lined by a thin, moist epithelium.The alveoli is the primary site of gas exchange. Branches of the pulmonary arteries send oxygen poor blood to the alveoli; branches of the pulmonary veins transport oxygen rich blood from the alveoli back to the heart. Inspiration (the process of inhaling) begins as the external intercostals and diaphragm contract. When this happens, the lungs expand. After this, negative pressure is used to facilitate respiration. So, air moves from an area of higher pressure, which is the air, to an area of lower pressure in the lungs and aveoli. During inspiration the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract.The diaphragm moves downwards, while the intercostal muscles make the rib cage move upwards. These two processes increase the volume of the thoracic cavity and also reduces the air pressure to below atmospheric pressure allowing air to rush into the airways then into the alveoli. With expiration (the process of exhaling) the opposite occurs. Here, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax. This allows the diaphragm to move upwards and the intercostal muscles let the rib cage relax to its resting state. This concept is called passive recoil.After passive recoil occurs, the volume within the thoracic cavity now decreases. This decrease in volume causes an increase in pressure above atmospheric pressure which forces air up and out the airway. In mammals, a large part pa rt of the process of respiration is controlled neurally through the medulla oblongata. The medulla contains the cardiac, respiratory, vomiting and vasomotor centers and deals with autonomic, involuntary functions, such as breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. The main centers in the medula that control respiration are the inspiratory and expiratory center. 3) Discuss the processes of exchange of O2 and CO2 that occur at the alveoli and muscle cells of mammals. Include in your answer a description of the transport of these gasses in the blood. The aveoli is very important to respiration. The aveoli needs to be efficient in obtaining oxygen as the air is approximately 20% oxygen. The aveoli are small, thinly-walled, sacs of air made out of collagen and elastic fibers. It is lined by a thin, moist epithelium, which allows for easy expansion. In respiration, first the lungs are ventilated to maintain their concentration gradient, which draws in fresh air with a higher concentration of O2.The air then fills the alveoli, which are completely surrounded by many blood capillaries in order to maintain a short diffusion distance for the O2 to diffuse in, and the CO2 to diffuse out, so both bring down the concentration gradients. The blood then carries the Oxygen away, and cycles the CO2 back, maintaining a strong concentration gradient, helping to raise the diffusion rates. It is by this mechanism that mammals are able to maintain respiration in all the cells of their body. The concentration discussed above is crucial to gas exchange because it allows osmosis and diffusion to take place.To further facilitate diffusion the surface of the aveoli is moist. Eventually, the oxygen diffuses from the capillaries into the interstitial fluid to be taken up by the cells. At the same time, carbon dioxide diffuses from the interstitial fluid into the capillaries. The oxygen can also be stored in myoglobin, which can be found in muscles. Some CO2 will be present in plasma. This lowers the pH of blood. The levels of dissolved oxygen in the blood are usually 100 mm Hg in the lungs, 40 mm Hg in the muscles during rest, and 20 mm Hg in the muscles during exercise.The oxygen in the aveoli is carried by hemoglobin or in red blood cells. Hemoglobin can be found in red blood cells themselves. The transportation of hemoglobin and oxygen uses cooperation. The cooperation is allosteric. Once oxygen attaches to it, more oxygen molecules attach easily. The opposite occurs when hemoglobin looses one oxygen molecule. The graph of this relationship would be an s-shaped curve. But, both carbon monoxide and oxygen compete to be able to get to the binding site on hemoglobin. Most carbon dioxide is carried as bicarbonate ions (HCO3).The enzyme carbonic anhydrase speeds up reactions and lets the carbon dioxide dissolve more easily. If the CO2 is not dissolved by an aqueous solution, some of it can be carried by hemoglobin. The hemoglobin carries the CO2 at a different site so it doesn’t compete with the O2. When the CO2 starts out at the alveolus, it first goes to the pulmonary vein, then the left atrium, the left ventricle, the artery, the capillary, and finally the CO2 gets to the muscle cells. If the CO2 travels from the muscles cells to the alveolus, the same process occurs in reverse. 4) Many physiological changes occur during exercise. -Design a controlled experiment to test the hypothesis that an exercise session causes short term increases in the heart rate and breathing rate in humans. -Explain how at least three organ systems are affected by the increased physical activity and discuss interactions among these systems. a. An experiment to test this: First, you would need at least 10 people to participate in the experiment. The bigger the data pool, the more reliable your results will be. You would just need a stopwatch for this experiment.First, you would measure the heart rate and respiration rate of all the participants. The heart rate would be measured by feeling the pulse of the person by touching their neck. The number of beats felt in one minute is multiplied by 10 to obtain the heart rate. To obtain the respiration rate, simply count the amount of times the person's chest cavity rises and falls during breathing. This data of the participants at rest would serve as the control. The experimental data would come from the participants during exercise.So, afterward all the participants would be instructed to run along the some course for about 5 minutes. They would run at a moderate jogging speed. When the 5 minutes are up, the heart rate and breathing would be recorded the same way as before. Then, immediately after the data is recorded, the runners would run for another 15 minutes. The data would be recorded the same way immediately afterward. After the data is recorded, the runners would take a 30 minute rest in order to return to a homeostatic condition. After the rest, the heart rate and respiration rate woul d be recorded yet again.If the hypothesis is true, the heart rate and respiration rate should be higher when the participants were exercising. After the rest, the participants should be back to normal. b. – Circulatory System: First of all, the heart in creases the stroke volume (SV). The stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped from one ventricle of the heart with each beat. Then, the body increases the rate of blood circulation to carry oxygen and nutrients to working muscle cells. The increased flow also carries excess CO2 out of the body. So, the cardiac output increases and the blood pressure increases as well.To cause heat loss during exercise, the capillary beds that go to the skin dilate. – Respiratory System: During exercise there is an increased gas exchange between CO2 and O2. This is needed so a lot more oxygen (O2) can travel to the cells and be used as energy. Also, the increased rate of respiration helps expel the extra CO2 that is produced by the mus cle cells. The increased blood circulation during exercise causes the lungs to adapt by recruiting extra capillaries to carry the increased output of the heart, further increasing the quantity of blood in the lung.This means that the diffusion capacity of the lungs is also affected. – Digestive System: During exercise, the digestive system immediately increases the rate of glycogenolysis. During glycogenolysis there is an increased rate of digestion in the body to break down the carbohydrates into glucose. Cellular respiration uses the glucose to increase the production of ATP. The digestive system also diverts blood away from splanchnic renal areas, where it is not needed much. All these processes help provide fuel and energy for physical activity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Critical Analysis on the Use of Supernatural in Richard Iii

CONCERNING THE USE OF THE SUPERNATURAL IN FURTHERING THE PLOT OF RICHARD III On a technical level, Richard III is considered a historical play; it relates the events, if dramatized and romanticized, following the War of the Roses and the birth of the Tudor dynasty. However, Shakespeare’s use of supernatural themes and motifs in furthering the plot is somewhat out of character in its use in such a type of play; usually such themes and motifs form an unconscious backdrop from which the author creates depth and is not portrayed as an active force in the play.This makes the play lean more toward the style of one of his tragedy plays. The use of the supernatural, be it in traditional fairy tales such as Snow White or Jack and the Beanstalk or in the more recent works such as Harry Potter, the Chronicles or Narnia or the Lord of the Rings, is a delicate thing. Magic is the term most would apply to it. Fantasy works are full of it – magic wands, magic shoes, magic rings and ev en magic lands. It can be defined as a mechanism within a story to bypass the natural laws. Essentially, it is the means of moving from the ordinary to the extraordinary.Magic must therefore be treated as a natural law as well – because in a fantasy story, it is real and tangible. This requires therefore a framework within which magic (or the supernatural) can be defined and quantified. Take Harry Potter for example; magic is shown to be something like a science – it can be learnt and studied and practiced. In Jack and the Beanstalk and in Snow White as well as in almost all folklore stories, magic is something that is considered inherent to the world; it appears seldom and usually only to those who look for it or want to master it.C. S. Lewis and J. R. R Tolkien took a different approach; in Narnia and the Lord of the Rings magic is rationalized from a Christian point of view by implying that it stems from an omnipotent being (Aslan and Eru Illuvatar) who is comparabl e to Judeo-Christian God. My point is that, in any story (excluding material primarily gear on buffoonery), supernatural elements are put in a box that we can open and understand, then close and be sure its behaving like it is supposed to.Moving away from those examples, let us consider in what framework the supernatural is presented in Richard III. The story is shaped inside the same framework held in common belief in Shakespeare’s time. The world is therefore Christian, and â€Å"overt† magic and superstition is not considered moral or real. Therefore the primary expression of the supernatural in the play is in prophetic dreams, curses called down from heaven, and if magic is addressed at all, it is termed witchcraft to which a stigma of horror and evil is attached.However, this worldview is slightly stretched – mostly for poetic reasons – in that it includes elements from Greek mythology (the underworld and the Furies) and from non-religious Christian mythology – demonstrated in the use of ghosts that visit people, hellhounds and such – as well as an element from Celtic and Scandinavian mythos in the form of elves (which were commonly blamed for major and minor mischief, see â€Å"elvish-marked†).Chronologically the first use of the supernatural in furthering the plot and the characterizations is Margaret’s curses. This is done to gently introduce the reader (or viewer) to the type of supernatural themes in Richard III. (Compare this with Macbeth or other plays that immediately begin with heightened supernatural events. ) Margaret’s curses function as a sort of irony to the events of the play. Essentially, her curses foreshadow the fate of the characters later in the play.Margaret says to Elizabeth, â€Å" Outlives thy glory like my wretched self; long mayest thou live to wail their children’s loss and see another as I see thee now, decked in thy rights as thou art stalled in mine. Die t hou neither wife, nor mother nor England’s queen. † Elizabeth is cursed to lose everything as Margaret lost everything. By the end of the play, the curse fell, and Elizabeth is without husband, child or crown. Hastings, Rivers and Dorset are cursed to die bloodily for their part in Margaret’s sorrow; but the most interesting to the reader is her curse on Richard himself.Margaret’s curse foreshadows exactly the events of his demise. Observe: â€Å"On thee, the troubler of the poor world’s peace. The worm of conscience still begnaw thy soul. Thy friends suspect for traitors while thou livest, and take deep traitors for thy dearest friends. No sleep shall close up that deadly eye, unless it be whilst some tormenting dream affrights thee with a hell of ugly devils. † Her words mirror Richard’s gnawing conscience and his removal of Buckingham and subsequent betrayal by Stanley.The most impressive of all is the foreshadowing of his dream bef ore the battle – where all the ghosts of his victims â€Å"affrights thee (him) with a hell of ugly devils†. In two cases, a prophetic dream foreshadows the demise of certain characters. The first (and most beautifully and vividly described) is Clarence’s dream of drowning. In the dream, Clarence and Richard are aboard a ship when Richard â€Å"stumbles† and knocks Clarence overboard. The drowning is intensely described; Clarence sees â€Å"ugly sights of death† and hears â€Å"dreadful noise of waters†.Once underwater (and presumably drowned), Clarence sees in piercing detail â€Å"a thousand fearful wrecks, ten thousand men that fishes gnawed upon, wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl†¦Some lay in dead men’s skulls, and in those holes where eyes did once inhabit there were crept, as ‘twere in scorn of eyes, reflecting gems†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Then the scene changes; Clarence is in the underworld (aptly described as th e land of eternal night) and is confronted with those he had a hand in killing. The murdered ghosts call the Furies upon him who drag him down to depths of hell.While we did not actually observed the fate of his soul past his actual murder (by Richard’s henchmen) Clarence is effectively forewarned about his impending death. Stanley had a similar dream of doom when he was killed by a boar, considered a symbol of ferocity and also Richard’s emblem. Fearful and comprehending what the dream meant, he tries to flee from Richard’s grasp and in doing so warns Hastings. Hastings dismisses it as the cobwebs of troubled sleep. Shakespeare alludes to the supernatural again when Hastings’s horse stumbles three times (a number associated with divinity) on his way to the Tower of London and his execution.Just like black cats and ravens were considered ill omens, when a horse stumbled en route to a certain destination, it was taken as an ill omen. Chronologically after these events, Richard blatantly accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft. Now what must be remembered is that in Shakespeare’s time, being accused of witchcraft was a very real and very serious matter. England was not far past the time of the witch hunts. Thus the perceived threat of black magic was real. This is actually is very interesting plot device. See, in the framework of the story previously discussed, witchcraft and such superstitions were called just that – superstitions.Bringing in that claim and hammering at it past all reasonability, I think, Richard is actually foreshadowing his own fall from reason to paranoia. The world Richard constructed around him was beginning to fall apart. His own sense of reality was leaving him. Thus it is an excellent way to begin to break the reader’s sense of reality and replace it with a feeling of dread as the play moved more and more away from history to a dark, surreal underworld. Overall, Shakespeare’s use of the su pernatural is clear and undisguised, but it represents a subtle force.The events of the play are moved along, not by spells or incantations, but by the conflict of politics, ambition and morality. Shakespeare utilized it like this because fundamentally he was making a historical piece. Perhaps due to his own taste and perhaps to place the emphasis on storytelling and character development, Shakespeare stayed away from using supernatural elements to affect the natural elements of his story. Supernatural elements are there, but they foreshadow rather than determine. They hint rather than compel. Ultimately, this is a play about the eternal duel between morality and vice.

Importance of Information Communication Technology in Technical Education

IMPACT OF THE USE OF INTERNET ON TECHNICAL COLLEGE VOCATIONAL STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN OGUN STATE, NIGERIA ABSTRACT This study is designed to determine the impact of the use of internet on technical college vocational students’ academic performance in Ogun State, Nigeria.The purpose of the study among other things focuses on identifying the attitudes of students toward the use of internet; to determine the purpose of internet usage by students; to find out the intensity of internet usage by students and to find out whether the use of internet improves the academic performance of students or not. Survey method was adopted the research. Data were collected from one hundred and forty (140) technical college students in seven (7) technical colleges Ogun State, Nigeria. Means and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions.Interviews were also conducted with students to compliment the data collected The findings of the study reveals that most of th e secondary school students access computer connected to the internet through the use of the cyber cafe or settings open to the public; the students spend more of their time outside the school and their homes to use the internet; female students are more disposed to the use of the internet for social networking than their male counterparts; most of the special sites students visit on the internet are not for academic engagements or school work; most of the devices used are connected to the internet through the use of modem and the use of internet technology show significant relationship with students academic achievement and it motivates the students to get along with schoolwork. The study however recommended that technology should be embraced in all technical colleges in Ogun State, Nigeria.KEYWORDS: World Wide Web, Internet, Technology, Modem, and Devices INTRODUCTION Technical colleges of today have come of age in this new information revolution. From the time they started elemen tary school, the World Wide Web existed. Many of them were using the Web early in their school careers. Technology is now used throughout the world for gathering information, keeping records, distance learning, and global collaboration for lifelong learning and work. Its pervasive use cut across almost all aspects of modern life including business, industry, communication and entertainment warrants continued efforts on the part of educators to positively prepare students for participation in a technological world.The Internet is one of the greatest recent advancement in the world of information technology and has become a useful instrument that has fostered the process of making the world a global village. The internet provides several opportunities for the academia. It is a mechanism for information dissemination and a medium for collaborative interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic limitation of space. The word Internet is derived from two words: â€Å"international† and â€Å"network†. The Internet therefore can be defined as an international computer network of information available to the public through modem links so internet is a worldwide system of linked computers networks.The Internet is the world’s largest and most widely used network. It is an international network of networks that is a collection of hundreds of thousands of private and public networks all over the world. There are rich and varied learning experiences available on the Internet that would have been inconceivable just a short while ago. The investigators observed that research reports and articles on the effectiveness of technology in the student-learning environment reflect a variety of opinions and conclusions. On one end of the continuum, supporters cite research studies showing the positive impact of technology on student learning. On the other end, critics present Importance of Information Communication Technology in Technical Education IMPACT OF THE USE OF INTERNET ON TECHNICAL COLLEGE VOCATIONAL STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN OGUN STATE, NIGERIA ABSTRACT This study is designed to determine the impact of the use of internet on technical college vocational students’ academic performance in Ogun State, Nigeria.The purpose of the study among other things focuses on identifying the attitudes of students toward the use of internet; to determine the purpose of internet usage by students; to find out the intensity of internet usage by students and to find out whether the use of internet improves the academic performance of students or not. Survey method was adopted the research. Data were collected from one hundred and forty (140) technical college students in seven (7) technical colleges Ogun State, Nigeria. Means and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions.Interviews were also conducted with students to compliment the data collected The findings of the study reveals that most of th e secondary school students access computer connected to the internet through the use of the cyber cafe or settings open to the public; the students spend more of their time outside the school and their homes to use the internet; female students are more disposed to the use of the internet for social networking than their male counterparts; most of the special sites students visit on the internet are not for academic engagements or school work; most of the devices used are connected to the internet through the use of modem and the use of internet technology show significant relationship with students academic achievement and it motivates the students to get along with schoolwork. The study however recommended that technology should be embraced in all technical colleges in Ogun State, Nigeria.KEYWORDS: World Wide Web, Internet, Technology, Modem, and Devices INTRODUCTION Technical colleges of today have come of age in this new information revolution. From the time they started elemen tary school, the World Wide Web existed. Many of them were using the Web early in their school careers. Technology is now used throughout the world for gathering information, keeping records, distance learning, and global collaboration for lifelong learning and work. Its pervasive use cut across almost all aspects of modern life including business, industry, communication and entertainment warrants continued efforts on the part of educators to positively prepare students for participation in a technological world.The Internet is one of the greatest recent advancement in the world of information technology and has become a useful instrument that has fostered the process of making the world a global village. The internet provides several opportunities for the academia. It is a mechanism for information dissemination and a medium for collaborative interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic limitation of space. The word Internet is derived from two words: â€Å"international† and â€Å"network†. The Internet therefore can be defined as an international computer network of information available to the public through modem links so internet is a worldwide system of linked computers networks.The Internet is the world’s largest and most widely used network. It is an international network of networks that is a collection of hundreds of thousands of private and public networks all over the world. There are rich and varied learning experiences available on the Internet that would have been inconceivable just a short while ago. The investigators observed that research reports and articles on the effectiveness of technology in the student-learning environment reflect a variety of opinions and conclusions. On one end of the continuum, supporters cite research studies showing the positive impact of technology on student learning. On the other end, critics present

Monday, July 29, 2019

Report on the net export component of the aggregate expenditures for Research Paper

Report on the net export component of the aggregate expenditures for the Manitoba macroeconomy - Research Paper Example h in exports was strong in the three year period of 2004 to 2007 but negative growth in exports was experienced by the economy partly in 2008 and more pronounced in 2009. The exports amounted to 26.7 billion dollars in 2009. In spite of the decline in export growth the economy was the third highest in terms of export value. The chart below provides the evidence of the exports of the economy over a definite time period. The exports within Canada actually increased by about 2.4% in the year 2008 but the exports to other countries suffered a decline of 3.1% in the same year. The fall in exports in 2009 is the highest recorded data since 1981. The recession and the economic slowdown was the contributing factor to the slowdown. According to the Manitoba Bureau of Statistics the economy experienced an expansion of 2.2% in 2011. However, according to the major economic forecasters the GDP will increase by 2.4% and 2.2% in 2012 and 2013 respectively. The economy experienced second best annual growth rate over the period of 2006 to 2011. The following chart shows a comparison between the expansions of the Manitoba economy with that of Canadian economy (Province of Manitoba, 2012). The investment survey conducted by Statistics Canada published the report in February, 2012. They projected the capital investment in the economy to increase by 4.7%. This rate is below the rate of growth in capital investment of Canada which is at 6.2%. The private investment is estimated to achieve an expansion of 8.3% while the public investment will increase by 3.1%. The capital investment projection was revised to an expansion by 1.5% from the forecasted value. The total capital investment increased by record amount of 11.4 billion dollars for the year 2011. In the four year period ranging from 2006 to 2010 the economy surpassed the national annual growth in capital investment. In the first half of 2012, the exports on merchandises increased by 8.5% (Baragar, 2011). During the same time the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Modern Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modern Utilitarianism - Essay Example The answers she created enemies and friends for her and answers that saved the birds. Carson gave the cause of the decrease in the number of birds as the strong synthetic insecticides. These insecticides, like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), in the form of dusts, sprays, and aerosols were affecting the food chains. The insecticides achieved this by poisoning the food chain from insects to the top. The chemicals were not only harmful to the insects but to the humans as well. They caused cancer and liver tumors. This led to the banning of the DDT insecticides and consequently saving a huge number of birds. However, the companies that were producing the insecticides underwent loss hence viewing Carson as a foe (Minteer 169). Her encouragement and message that man needs to act in moderation for him to achieve an equilibrium with nature led to a number of legislations by the federal on utilitarian conservation of the environment. One of these acts legislations was the clean air act . This act, which has undergone a number of amendments, required the Environmental Protection agency to make and enforce laws that protect humans from airborne chemicals and contaminants that are dangerous to human health (Minteer 169). The Wilderness Act passed in 1964 created a legal description of the wilderness in the US. It protected around nine million acres of federal land. This act preserved the wilderness and hence the animals in it. The Clean Water Act was passed in the year 1972. This acts main aim was to protect the waters of the land from pollution by doing away with the release of large amounts of poisonous substances into the water. This act not only... As the report stresses  the only person who had the exact answer to the question that no one was sure about the answer was Rachel Carson. This biologist had taken time to complete the book that would provide answers to the question of the decreasing number of birds. The answers she created enemies and friends for her and answers that saved the birds. Carson gave the cause of the decrease in the number of birds as the strong synthetic insecticides. These insecticides, like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), in the form of dusts, sprays, and aerosols were affecting the food chains. The insecticides achieved this by poisoning the food chain from insects to the top. The chemicals were not only harmful to the insects but to the humans as well. They caused cancer and liver tumors. This led to the banning of the DDT insecticides and consequently saving a huge number of birds. However, the companies that were producing the insecticides underwent loss hence viewing Carson as a foe.From the discussion it is clear that  the Wilderness Act passed in 1964 created a legal description of the wilderness in the US. It protected around nine million acres of federal land. This act preserved the wilderness and hence the animals in it. The Clean Water Act was passed in the year 1972. This acts main aim was to protect the waters of the land from pollution by doing away with the release of large amounts of poisonous substances into the water. This act not only made safe the water that human beings consumed but also the fish they ate.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Campus issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Campus issue - Essay Example This assignment therefore discusses the problems that exists in Pepperdine University’s dining places and provides solutions to these problems. One day I had an interesting conversation with my friend Steve Wang who loved sports very much. He said to me, â€Å"After playing basketball with my friends, I become too tired to go upstairs to the Cafe or HAWC. Even though there is a food stand at the FF, the foods served there have lots of calories and students have to queue for long.† Another friend, Yu Duan, says â€Å"After a long sporting activity I need a nearby place to relax. The new cafe offers some nutritious foods such as chicken salad, fruits, and yogurt. However, these foods are high in calories and for sportspeople like us they are detrimental for our health.† From the sentiments of my two friends, it is clear that the University does not have enough food outlets to cater for the variant needs of students. A solution to this would be to build more food joints that would meet the need of different students especially the sportspeople. Breakfast offered in the Cafe has never changed. Omelets, sandwiches and chicken rolls have always been the order of the day. Most students have no interests in such unvaried breakfast menus offered every morning. As a result, most of the students forgo breakfast in the morning. I at one time overheard a student say, â€Å"Breakfast meals in these places are too monotonous. I am automatically full when I think of having breakfast here.† Therefore, I strongly suggest that the administration should direct the personnel in charge to vary the meals and have different meals for every morning. Although some students do not have meals in campus during the weekends, some of us who eat in school during weekends find the meals awful. Freshmen who do not have cars find it particularly difficult to drive downtown and enjoy the delicious foods in restaurants. My friend, Yu Duan, once made an interesting comment. He said, â€Å"The

Friday, July 26, 2019

Strategy for BP investment in Norway Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategy for BP investment in Norway - Case Study Example This investment strategy has been especially popular in the last thirty years. For example, joint ventures between European firms and foreign-based firms have increased by almost 30% since 1985 (Hess & Siegwart, 2013). While not all joint ventures in the oil and gas industry have been successful in the past, BP should use a joint venture for several reasons, most importantly because of the capital-intensive nature of the oil and gas industry. Using the joint venture strategy has become popular for oil and gas companies operating in foreign markets because it saves money. Along with metals processing and mineral extraction, oil and gas exploration and development is a capital intensive industry. Since Norways oil and gas industry is already well-developed, financing such an investment on its own would be a risky undertaking for BP, necessitating the use of a joint venture strategy to share costs and risk, as well as create economies of scale (Grandell et al, 2011). In addition, BP should use a joint venture strategy because of the high costs that will be involved in continuing their operations in such a capital-intensive industry. BP and other petroleum companies are heavily dependent on technology advances so as to achieve lower costs. A joint venture should enable BP to pool its personnel and funds with a Norwegian company with knowledge about the Norwegian petroleum sector in developing advanced technologies, specifica lly to reduce production and exploration costs, while also increasing profit margins. Ideally, BP and its Norwegian partner will contribute roughly the same amount of capital and resources into the joint venture, although Norway does not allow foreign companies to own majority stakes in their oil sector (Grandell et al, 2011). International financial institutions like the WTO, World Bank, and the IMF have been heavily involved in fostering international

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Design And Analysis Of Algorithms For Obtaining Super Resolution Essay

Design And Analysis Of Algorithms For Obtaining Super Resolution Satellite Images - Essay Example The paper tells that the launching of satellites nowadays, experience transformations due to the increasing need for High Resolution images. History shows that once satellites are launched, updating of its captured images faces a challenge due to resolution problems. Some algorithms have been developed, which assist in transforming Low Resolution images to High Resolution images. High Resolution (HR) images have a wide range of usage in the various fields, for example, medical imaging, video surveillance, and satellite imaging. However, due to limitations of hardware, many Low Resolution (LR) images are obtained than High Resolution images. As a result, researchers have come up with new techniques that help them in obtaining HR images from LR images. Researchers have come up with a reconstruction technique known as Super-resolution (SR) technique. The technique solves the problem of developing HR images from LR images since it allows the recovery of high resolution images from low re solution images. The technique allows recovery of HR images from several LR images, which are blurred, noisy and down-sampled. The SR technique uses some algorithms in order to solve the resolution problem. These algorithms use LR images that are related to each other’s through random translations and rotations in order to create a single HR image of the original scene. In order to reconstruct the HR image, the LR images must be first registered relative to a specific frame of reference. Secondly, the pixels from the LR images are used to sparsely populate some of the pixels of the high resolution image. ... This may include the implementation of set of super resolution algorithms and comparing their performances. Although there is the quest of obtaining high resolution images, there are some challenges that go hand in hand with the high resolution. In acquiring high resolution imaging systems, one runs into the problem of diminishing returns. The optical components and imaging chips necessary for high resolution imaging are very expensive since they cost millions of dollars. Potential Benefits High image resolution is beneficial since there is an increase in image detail. In addition, image resolution results in images that do not contain noise or with reduced noise and images with increased smoothness in interlaced video. Chapter Two Fundamentals of Image Processing Introduction and definition Image processing refers to any kind of signal processing, where the input is an image, for instance, a video frame or a photograph and the resulting output of the image may be either an image or a set of parameters or characteristics that are related to the image. In most image processing techniques, the image is treated as a two-dimensional signal. The image processing techniques usually apply standard signal processing techniques to the image being processed. During image processing, various operations may be carried out on the image; such operations include Euclidean geometrical transformations that may take the form of reduction, rotation and enlargement, color corrections that may involve color balancing, color mapping, quantization and contrast adjustment (Burge & Burge, 2009). Image processing operations may also include interpolation, image registration, and image segmentation.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Effect Of Oil Price Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Effect Of Oil Price Change - Essay Example The demand and supply framework of oil price changes is very complex and becomes understandable when divided into two. The two segments are; the short run and long run demand and supply. The short-run responses to oil price changes refer to the immediate changes in the event of an oil price change. Players in the market do not make immediate adjustments to their costs and procedures with effect to the oil price changes in this period. In the real world situation, consumers using cars and home equipment that use oil will respond slowly to a change in the oil prices. For example, an increase in the oil prices will make these consumers reluctant to change their consumption behavior of oil and oil-related products to cut their expenditure on oil even though they are not impressed with the prevalent high prices (Krichene, 2008). In the short run, the sensitivity of demand to the oil price change is quite low. In the long run, the demand for oil changes with relation to a change in oil pri ces. The consumers respond towards a rise in oil prices in the long run by initiating actions channeled at cutting their consumption of oil. These actions are such as the using of more fuel-efficient cars and equipment to cut their expenditure on oil. The price sensitivity, in the long run, is more than in the short run since oil consumers can make changes in their consumption of oil more in the long run than in the short run. This effect makes the demand curves of oil prices to be steeper in the long run than in the short run (Prasch, 2008).

Describe a person or event that has had a profound impact on you and Essay

Describe a person or event that has had a profound impact on you and the way you look at the world - Essay Example The simultaneous attacks were the adversaries' ploy to exhibit their competence boldly defying American sovereignty. Sandwiched between these warring nations are innocent lives that are needlessly lost. It was indeed a distressing incident that will forever be etched in the history of mankind. I am deeply moved by the sudden turn of events. The fateful event significantly changed my outlook in life. It's not just the United States of America that was involved in that tragic incident. I awakened to the stark realization that we are presently living in a very harsh world and that we cannot afford to be indifferent. As a youth and international student, I became aware of the responsibilities ahead of me. I know very well that our generation is next in line in molding and shaping a better world. Amidst the incessant controversies, it is very crucial to observe and learn from the things that had ensued. Although disastrous and heartrending, the 9/11 disaster brought forth present-day heroes. I admire the common people who have risked their lives in order to save others. I am in awe of the courageous men and women who chose to lose their lives for the benefit of many.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cause & Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cause & Effect - Essay Example Alexie Sherman’s book, "Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian† is based on experiences that relate to poignant drawings reflecting on people’s behavior in art. Practice makes perfect can be well related to whereby regular practice increases the likelihood of better performance among students. Alexi (2009), points out that improved performance correlates to action of Alexie in his book, which propelled him to winning numerous accolades such as the National Book Awards in 2007 for Young People’s Literature. Dylon Porlas attends Prep School in 2008-2009 where he earns a letter of admission in the school’s football club as a senior. Porlas gets elected in as an MVP for two consecutive seasons. Dylons achievements include leading the school team to a conference and the San Diego sections crown. Dylon recorded a sterling performance score in the ratio of 10:3. Among other colleagues, he helped form Pop Warner football club in 2006. Participating in clubs, and other performances in various fields help one in earning a living as well as getting a good reputation in the society. In the article, Reynolds argues that children who take part in regular exercise are able to absorb and retain information well. Regular exercise translates into high alertness and concentration. Routine practice happens efficiently compared teens who do not take part in sports. Because, actions involving physical agility helps young Native Americans stay alert at home and school. Because of a student’s unique background, engaging in baseball improves their social skills and lessens boredom. It clear that a success in sports encourages young people to improve their confidence. As time is constantly changing, young persons have been able to build their self-worth through sports which instills a sense of discipline and commitment. Sports nurtures a young person’s innate social instincts and help them to become better. Social instincts enables them in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Research Sources Essay Example for Free

Research Sources Essay 1. Genes, Behavior, and the Social Environment : Moving Beyond the Nature/nurture Debate In the midst of the twentieth century, staggering steps were made in decreasing disease and upgrading the soundness of individuals and peoples. General prosperity measures, sanitation, improved cleanliness, and antibodies incited genuine diminished in mortality and dreariness. Extended insightfulness with respect to the dangers of the workplace realized decreased injuries and better prosperity for experts. Advances in bio remedial examination had any kind of effect develop learning of affliction and nudged the change of new clinical and pharmaceutical meds. More starting late, the sequencing of the human genome has given information that holds the surety for further upgrading human prosperity. During the time a broad accumulation of proof has created showing that social and behavioral components, for instance, monetary status, smoking, eating schedule, and alcohol usage are key determinants of prosperity. Late studies in like manner prescribe that breaking down joint efforts among innate and social-regular components could fundamentally enhance perception of prosperity and illness. In a study showing how the social environment can affect natural response, found that the money related status of gatherings is associated with mixtures in central tactile framework serotonergic responsivity, which may have recommendations for the power of mental issue and practices, for instance, misery, incautious ill will, and suicide. While examine on the impact of coordinated efforts can encourage the cognizance of ailment peril and help in the change of effective pharmaceuticals to upgrade the quality of individuals and masses, there is an absence of investigation that encompasses each one of the three regions. Much stays to be got some answers concerning how these variables work together to impact prosperity, including the most vital thought of portraying association and how it can be depicted. Since more conspicuous etiological perception is relied upon to perceive future clinical research and make convincing meds went for improving prosperity comes about, the board fixated its attempts on etiological examination. 1. Regulation of Gene Editing Activity Directed by Single-Stranded Oligonucleotides and CRISPR/Cas9 Systems. The reengineering of mammalian genomes is a capable hereditary way to deal with both comprehension quality  capacity and growing new treatments for acquired maladies. While the conventional endpoint for hereditary building has been to disturb or debilitate a quality through complete knockout, it is presently conceivable to direct single nucleotide trade in a viable and proficient way. Quality or genome altering can be catalyzed by a progression of atomic apparatuses that when utilized in different mixes precisely change the arrangement of the DNA in a site-particular style. Single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides (ssODNs) have been utilized for a long time to build nucleotide changes in the genomes of numerous living beings. Also, while the instrument of activity furthermore, the administrative hardware are being explained, in any event partially, the low effectiveness with which single-stranded oligonucleotides work in segregation has since a long time ago hampered their advancement for helpful application. As a quest for adjuvants that can improve the recurrence of singlestranded ODN–directed quality altering has continued, it was resolved that the twofold stranded DNA breaks actuated preceding the presentation of the single-stranded ODN raised the general action of quality altering. 1. Engineered DNA-Binding Proteins for Targeted Genome Editing and Gene Regulation http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:11156806 The engineereed DNA-tying proteins empower focused on control of the genome. zinc fingers are the most all around portrayed DNA-tying space and for a long time examination has concentrated on understanding and controlling the succession specificities of these proteins. as of late significant advances in the capacity to architect zinc finger proteins and also the revelation of another class of dna-tying spaces interpretation activator like effectors have made it conceivable to quickly and dependably design proteins focused to any grouping of hobby. The capacity to explicitly alter the genome has incredible potential for examination and restorative applications. the homology coordinated repair in a mixed bag of cell sorts and creatures this strategy has never been utilized to right an illness bringing about transformation in human affected pluripotent undeveloped cells. the human b troll locus to remedy the sickle cell sickliness transformation. Every one of us acquire a large group of more subtle destructive changes. Maybe you are more inclined to experience the ill effects of coronary illness, certain tumors, dementia or emotional sicknesses, or to lose your sight or go hard of hearing in seniority. Whats more, your youngsters and your kids and every one of their relatives will acquire a large number of these transformations, alongside the new ones created as natures irregular slips proceed. When you see how these changes come to fruition, the case for assuming responsibility of our hereditary fate appears to be unanswerable. We are getting the capacity to free ourselves from the things of 4 billion years of thoughtless development. Germ-line hereditary designing obviously has threats, not slightest its capability to be utilized for the wrong purposes or the potential for its expense to limit its points of interest to the affluent. In any case, numerous stresses are overstated we couldnt design Einsteins in the event that we needed to, for occasion, on the grounds that we havent discovered any quality variations that have a remarkable effect to knowledge, regardless of much attempting. What we could do is end a gigantic measure of affliction. Whats more, in the event that it is accessible to everybody, not simply the rich, hereditary building could even help make the world a much more pleasant spot. 1. Chinese researchers alter embryo DNA: Do results cross ethical tripwires? Christian Science Monitor. 4/24/2015, pN.PAG. 0p.  humankind is confronted with the crucial inquiry of whether people ought to have this level of control over their own particular physical fates, says Alta Charo, an educator of law and bioethics at the College of Wisconsin at Madison. Were hitting the point where individuals are asking: Would we truly like to have the force not quite recently to choose among the decisions given to use by nature, however to make totally new decisions we  could call our own detail? The moral concerns encompassing hereditary control of conceptive cells are weighty to the point that numerous researchers and bioethicists are asking associates to start substantive discussions with partners, biotech-industry pioneers, controllers, vested parties, and people in general to make sense of what clinical uses, if any, future worthy. Others, incorporating some in the biotech business, contend for a ban on any germ-line exploration including human regenerative cells. One measure of the moral minefield into which the Chinese group walked: Two of the most high-perceivability science diaries, Science and Nature, declined to distribute the outcomes on moral grounds, the ventures lead researcher, Junjui Huang, disclosed to correspondents from Natures news division. A hefty portion of the starting concerns in established researchers include wellbeing and adequacy for a device they see as having possibly capable restorative applications. The Chinese group shares this worry and refers to its own outcomes as confirmation that CRISPR-Cas9 is no place close prepared for the center.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Law of Offer and Acceptance

Law of Offer and Acceptance Offer and Acceptance are the process by which a buyer and a seller create a legal contract. This process begins when a potential buyer makes an offer. Then, the seller can accept it, reject it, or reject it and makes a counter offer. Then the buyer has the same options. When one party accepts the other partys offer or counter offer, and communicates that acceptance to the offering party, a contract is created. In my assignment, Im going to explain the rules of offer and acceptance in the formation of a valid contract. When two parties choses to get in a contract, the first thing that comes is the offer. The offer can be money or anything of value in exchange for performance by the other party. An offer is defined as an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed. An offer is a declaration of the terms on which the offeror is willing to be bound. The offer can come in forms of a letter, a newspaper, a website, a fax, an email, or a behavior. The offer is not really an offer until the offeree receives it, it is the communication of offers. This means that no one can be bound by an offer of which they are not aware (Taylor v Laird, 1856). An important distinction must be made between an offer and an invitation to treat. An invitation to treat is a preliminary statement expressing a willingness to receive offers. Its a pre-offer communication. In Harvey v Facey, an invitation by the owner of property that he or she might be interested in selling at a certain price, so this is an invitation to treat. Statements of invitation are only intended to solicit offers from people and are not intended to result in any immediate binding obligation. The display of goods for sale, auctions, or adverts is ordinarily treated as an invitation to treat and not an offer. When goods are on display in a self-service shop or in a shop window, it is an invitation to treat. For example, Pharmaceutical society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists Ltd where the offer to purchase is made at the cash desk by the purchaser and the shop is free to accept or reject this offer. However, auctions are an invitation to treat, each bid is an offer to purchase the lot at the price offered and acceptance occurs at the fall of the auctioneers hammer. British Car Auctions v Wright where they were indicted for offering an unroadworthy car for sale but there were only an invitation to treat as the car was not offered for sale. And in most cases advertisements are an invitation to treat (Partridge v Crittenden, 1968). However, if the advertisement includes a unilateral offer, it is considered as an offer. Unilateral offer is made when one party promises to pay the other a sum money (or to do some other act) if the other will do something (or forbear from doing so) without making any promises to that effect. For example, Carlil v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company Ltd which was a unilateral offer to the world at large. On the other hand, bilateral offer is made when at least two people or groups exchange a promise for a promise. Acceptance is a final and unqualified expression of assent to the terms of an offer. Acceptance must be communicated by the offeree to the offeror in the manner requested by or implied in the offer. Second, the acceptance must be clear, unequivocal, and unconditional. As acceptance, must meet the same terms of the offer to be valid, the following answer that suggest new terms in the offer is defined as a counter offer. Acceptance has no effect until it is communicated to the offeror, silence can never establish an acceptance (Felthouse v Bindley, 1863). It can be completed from conduct without being purposely communicated (Brogden v Metropolitan Railway Co, 1877). Generally, acceptance can be in any form as long as it is transmitted to the offeree, if the offer specifies a method of acceptance (such as by return of post, by fax or by telegram) and the offeree uses a different method there is no contract (Eliason v Henshaw, 1819). And if the offer doesnt stipulate any specific method of acceptance that means the communication of acceptance should made by an equally speedy method. Acceptance by post is an exception to the general rule that acceptance must come to the attention of the offeror before it is valid (Adams v Lindsell, 1818). For the postal rule to apply, first the offeror requests an acceptance by post or acceptance by post can be a normal, reasonable or anticipated means of acceptance (He nthorn v Fraser, 1892). Secondly, the letter of acceptance should be properly stamped and addressed (Re London Northern Bank, 1990). Thirdly, the letter of acceptance must be posted in the control of the Post Office (Brinkibon v Stahag Stahl, 1983); and in the last place, the use of postal rule must not create any factors of inconvenience and absurdity (Holwell Securities v Hughes, 1974). Comes to the instantaneous communication of acceptance which are virtually methods such as telephone conversations, they are considered in the same way as face to face personal conversations. So, the acceptance is confirmed when and where it is received (Entores v Miles Far East Corporation, 1955). Contracts are used mainly in business situations, but also for personal situations. While both parties must receive a fair value for a contract to be valid, they may not receive the same benefits. Law of contract is the law governing peoples agreements and obligations. To run a society smoothly an active operating system is necessary. If there is no value in a promise made by person to another person, the ongoing nature of a society will be terminated. Therefore, if there is no way to enforce a promise or recover damages occurred by believing such promise people will be afraid of such promises and the development will be blocked. Law of contract is important because it gives an importance and enforceability to a promise. Word count: 1039 Consideration is a fundamental element for the formation of a contract. It is either a promise to perform a desired act or a promise to refrain from doing an act that one is legally entitled to do. Consideration is something of value given by both parties to contract that includes them to enter the agreement to exchange mutual performances. In a bilateral contract, an agreement by which both parties exchange mutual promises, each promise is regarded as sufficient consideration for the other. In unilateral contract, an agreement by which one party makes a promise in exchange for the others performance, the performance is consideration for the promise, while the promise is consideration for the performance (Currie v Misa, 1875). There are two different rules of consideration; first consideration must move from the promisee means that a person to whom a promise was made can enforce that promise only if they have themselves provided the consideration for it. The promise cannot be enforce d if the consideration moved from a third party (Tweddle v Atkinson, 1861). And the second rule, consideration must not be past, have three different types of consideration: executory, executed and past consideration. Executory consideration begins where promises are exchanged to perform acts in the future, this is a bilateral contract and is enforceable. Executed consideration begins where one person performs an act in order to accomplish a promise made by the other, this is a unilateral contract. Past consideration is the consideration for a promise must be given in return for that promise (Re Mc Ardle, 1951). As we know that consideration is exchange of mutual performances, in this scenario we know that James repaired his neighbours car on Sundays or Mondays. We cant apply considerations rules as we dont know what James is getting in return of his performance. We only know what James promises to act for Simone but we dont know if Simone promises anything back. So, for me, there is no consideration because there is only one person performing the act and we dont know about the other one. Intention to create legal relations is an agreement which is not destined to be legally binding; there are some agreements that should be legally enforceable and those which should not. They are divided into three categories, social and domestic agreements, commercial agreements, and advertisement. In social and domestic agreements, there is no intention to create legal relations, such as agreements between husband and wife are presumed not to create legal relations expect if the agreement itself states that it does (Balfour v Balfour, 1919) or agreements between parents and children are not supposed to create legal relations (Jones v Padavatton, 1969). When it comes to agreements made between parties who share a dwelling but are not related, then the court considers all the circumstances of the agreement. They are more likely to find the intention to be legally bound where money has changed hands (Simpkins v Pays, 1955). Commercial agreements are presumed to create legal relations, but they can be rebutted only by stating clearly in the contract (Rose Franck Co v Crompton Bros Ltd, 1925). Agreements which appears to be gratuitous in nature such as ex gratia payment (Edwards v Skyways, 1969). It does not apply to comfort letters which are considered as a statement rather than a contractual promise (Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Malaysian Mining Corporation, 1989), or to agreements which are established to be binding in honour only (Jones v Vernons Pools, 1938). Comes to the advertisements, they not create any legal relations. A statement will not be binding if the court considers that it was not seriously meant (Weeks v Tybald, 1605). Legal relation can only be created in commercial agreement, advertisement or agreement where money is exchanged. In this scenario, there is no intention to create legal relation because this is a situation about two neighbours so it is about social relations. As social relation cannot be enforced, there is no intention to create legal relation. Word count: 667 Bibliography: http://www.lawteacher.net/free-law-essays/contract-law/rules-of-offer-and-acceptance.php http://www.warrenhills.org/cms/lib/NJ01001092/Centricity/Domain/356/BL%20Chapter%206%20%20Offer%20and%20Acceptance1.pdf http://www.lawteacher.net/free-law-essays/contract-law/difference-between-offer-and-invitation-contract-law-essay.php https://www.rocketlawyer.com/article/whats-the-difference-between-bilateral-and-unilateral-contracts.rl https://lawexams.com/unilateral-contracts http://www.allaboutlaw.co.uk/stage/study-help/contract-law-offer-acceptance http://www.4lawschool.com/contracts101/offer.htm http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/consideration http://www.lawteacher.net/lecture-notes/contract-law/consideration-lecture.php http://e-lawresources.co.uk/Consideration.php References Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: http://catalogue.pearsoned.co.uk/assets/hip/gb/hip_gb_pearsonhighered/samplechapter/Elliott_contract_C01.pdf [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. E-lawresources.co.uk. (2017). Contract agreement Offer and acceptance. [online] Available at: http://www.e-lawresources.co.uk/Offer-and-acceptance.php [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. Fafinski, S. and Finch, E. (2010). Contract law. 1st ed. Harlow: Longman. Lawteacher.net. (2017). Example Answers to Questions on Offer and Acceptance | Law Teacher. [online] Available at: http://www.lawteacher.net/free-law-essays/contract-law/answers-to-questions-on-offer-and-acceptance-contract-law-essay.php [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. Lawteacher.net. (2017). Formation of A Contract | Contract Law | Custom Essay. [online] Available at: http://www.lawteacher.net/lecture-notes/contract-law/agreement-lecture.php [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. Study.com. (2017). What Is an Offer in Contract Law? Video Lesson Transcript | Study.com. [online] Available at: http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-an-offer-in-contract-law.html [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017].

Looking At The Issues Surrounding Adoption Social Work Essay

Looking At The Issues Surrounding Adoption Social Work Essay This short study concerns my experiences in dealing with an adopted service user who wishes to establish contact with her birth mother. The essay takes up the case of J, a 46 year old divorced lady who finds out about her history of adoption after the death of her adopted parents. J tries to directly establish contact with her biological mother, who refuses to meet her, leaving J traumatised and emotionally devastated. The case scenario is provided in the appendix to this essay and is considered as read. This reflective and analytical account concerns (a) my experiences in dealing with Js problems and needs, (b) my thoughts and theoretical knowledge of social work theory and practice with regard to children who are put up for adoption at birth, (c) their various emotional and physical challenges, and (d) the desire that is sometimes manifested by them during various stages of their lives to establish contact with their biological parents. It makes use of established social work theories like the attachment theory and the separation anxiety theory. I also take up the growing prevalence of the use of social networking sites by adopted children to establish contact with their long separated birth parents, and the social work mechanisms available in the UK to facilitate meetings between adopted children and their birth parents. The Challenges of Adoption J was put up for adoption at birth and was adopted by foster parents. She grew up in her foster home in the company of her siblings, who were the birth children of her adoptive parents. The fact of her adoption was however concealed from her by her adopters. J grew up with some feelings of unease between her and her siblings and adoptive parents and suffered from low self esteem when she was young. She also displayed some behavioural problems and found it difficult to establish friendships with other children. Adoption is undoubtedly an important and beneficial social process. It serves the critical needs of different individuals (Howe and Feast, 2000, p 34). It relieves natural parents of the onerous responsibilities of bringing up children when their circumstances make it impossible for them to do so, on account of social and economic reasons. It ensures safety, security, physical and emotional nourishment, education and improved life chances for unwanted, orphaned or abandoned children (Howe and Feast, 2000, p 34). It also fulfils the needs of childless couples, single people, and families for a child. Whilst adoption is undoubtedly an important social process, it brings along with it different types of social, economic and emotional challenges for all involved people, the child placed for adoption, the birth parents and the adopters (Howe and Feast, 2000, p 34). Adopted children, numerous studies have revealed, are prone to the adverse consequences of attachment disorders and separation anxiety (Cassidy Shaver, 1999, p 11). John Bowlby, well known for his advancement of the attachment theory, explains the critical importance for infants to develop secure attachments to their primary care givers. Bowlby states that attachment processes between infants and caregivers are biologically based, chosen by evolution to maximise survival chances, and aim to provide infants with feelings of security (Cassidy Shaver, 1999, p 11). Such security provides infants with the foundations required to explore their environments, with the full knowledge that their caregivers will be able and available to provide them with protection in the face of adversity or stress (Cassidy Shaver, 1999, p 11). The separation of children from their primary caregivers often results in feelings of separation anxiety and the development of attachment disorders if their attachment needs are not met or resolved effectively (Blum, 2004, p 538). Studies on adopted children show that positively formed attachments between children and caregivers improve chances of well adjusted lives, irrespective of the biological relationships of attachment figures with children (Blum, 2004, p 538). Whilst it is known that J was put up for adoption at birth, the exact age at which she was adopted is not clear. Research shows that that children adopted after 6 months of age are at greater risk for development of attachment disorders (Blum, 2004, p 538). Such attachment disorders can lead to emotional disturbance, eating disorders, bedwetting, lack of performance at school, difficulty in development of positive relationships, withdrawal from society and poor life outcomes (Blum, 2004, p 538). The adoptive parents need to take special care to ensure good adjustment of their adopted children. It is important for them parents to meet the needs of infants for love and nurturing on a consistent basis (Brisch, 1999, p 79). Adoption requires an active role from adoptive parents who assume the role of caregivers. As adopted infants explore their new and alien environment, adoptive parents must provide the required guidance, supervision and structure to ensure their safety (Brisch, 1999, p 79). Caregivers must also have the capacity and ability to provide levels of stimulation that do not overwhelm or stifle the infants developmental level. They must be attentive to the internal world of infants by being emotionally available to help them during periods of frustration, rejoice in their achievements and share their joy of exploration (Brisch, 1999, p 79). Secure attachments create positive feelings in children that relationships can be helpful, fulfilling, and valuable and provide adequate protection in an occasionally overwhelming world (Blum, 2004, p 545). Whilst secure attachments do not secure immunity from subsequent psychopathology, childhood security is certainly related to (a) increased capacities for stress management and ability to rebound after periods of psychological disturbance, (b) capacity to manage family stressors, (c) increased self-esteem, (d) good peer relationships, and (e) good psychological adjustment (Blum, 2004, p 545). Contemporary psychiatric theory states that adopted children often need therapeutic parenting, rather than normal domestic environments. Such parenting should be based on principles like sensitivity, responsiveness, following the lead of the child, the sharing of congruent and inter-subjective experiences and the creation of an environment of safety and security (Goldsmith, et al, 2004, p 2). Parents, in order to engage in such therapeutic parenting, require to be committed to adopted children, have reflective abilities, good insightfulness and secured mental states with respect to attachment (Goldsmith, et al, 2004, p 2). With J showing evidence of emotional disturbance and behavioural problems during her childhood, it is possible that her parents, whilst providing her with a normal and secure domestic environment, did not place great emphasis in responding to her specific emotional needs. Their concealment of her adopted status is possibly an indicator of their concern for the child and their desire to protect her emotions and feelings. Contemporary psychological and social theories however recommend that children be informed of their adopted status (Hollingsworth, 1998, p 303). Such information, when provided with sensitivity and in appropriate circumstances and environmental surroundings, prevents adopted children from experiencing emotional traumatisation when they otherwise inevitably come to know of their history of adoption and helps them in adjusting to their new homes (Hollingsworth, 1998, p 303). Knowledge of birth parents is also important, both for the adoptive parents and the adopted chil dren, in order to effectively cope with possible medical problems (Hollingsworth, 1998, p 303). J came to know about her adopted status by accident when she was 42, after the death of her adoptive parents. The knowledge left her emotionally traumatised and brought back memories of her childhood and of feelings of strain in her relationships with her adoptive parents and their birth children. It is however but fair to realise that Js parents very possibly had her best interests at heart and were also unaware of the future impact of not informing her of her adopted status. Reunion of Adopted Children with Birth Parents J, on knowing of her adopted status and the name of her birth mother, became emotionally disturbed because was not informed of the facts of her adoption, or about her birth parents. Adopted children, as they grow older, often become curious about their birth parents, especially so in situations of little or no contact (Adoption UK, 2010, p 1). Studies by Adoption UK, a national charity operated by adopters, reveals that all adopted children do not wish to know or contact their birth parents. Such desires are essentially personal, with some adoptees wishing to know more and others having little interest (Adoption UK, 2010, p 1). It is however also true that people who are not interested in contacting their birth parents when they are young, change when they become older, especially after they become parents and experience desires of knowing, contacting and establishing relationships with their own birth parents (Adoption UK, 2010, p 1). The emergence of social networking sites like Facebook and My Space have made it far easier for adopted children, who wish to know more about their parents, to establish contact with their birth families (Fursland, 2010, p 1). Such accessibility has introduced significant complexities in the social relationships of adopted children with their adopted and birth parents and is creating difficult challenges for social workers when they are asked for assistance by individuals in need (Fursland, 2010, p 1). Establishment of contact between adopted children and birth parents is an extremely sensitive issue and needs to be handled with care and sensitivity (Adoption UK, 2010, p 2). Adoption reunion can be a truly enriching and joyful experience, full of anticipation, twists and turns, joy, confusion, excitement, and fear. However reunion, like adoption, is not simple and can turn out to be a difficult, complex and sometimes saddening event (Adoption UK, 2010, p 2). Reconnecting with birth parents and children is rarely seamless and easy. It requires dedication, motivation, and a leap of faith (Adoption UK, 2010, p 2). Adoption reunions often give rise to complicated issues that have been dormant for decades and have to now be dealt with and resolved. Many birth parents may have never have shared their childs adoption with anybody else (Howe and Feast, 2000, p 57). Some birth mothers protect their secret because they are afraid of how others might or will react. For some mothers it is a matter of shame and they are instructed not to reveal their secrets to others (Howe and Feast, 2000, p 57). The National Adoption Standards for England, (Department of Health, 2001), along with the Adoption and Children Act 2002, provided birth parents in England and Wales entitlement to a support worker, apart from the childs social worker, from the point of identification of the adoption plan for the child (Goldsmith, et al, 2004, p 4). The Standards state that birth parents (a) should be able to access different types of support services, including counselling, advice and information before and after adoption, which recognise the long term implications of adoption, and (b) should be treated with transparency, fairness and regard during the adoption process (Goldsmith, et al, 2004, p 4). Most adopted children now have plans for direct or indirect post-adoption contact with birth relatives. Agencies are required to identify contact arrangements in adoption plans and consider post-adoption support requirements of all concerned (Goldsmith, et al, 2004, p 4). Existing regulations like The Adoption Support Services Regulations entitle adopted children, adoptive parents, and birth relatives for need assessment regarding contact arrangements and mandate agencies to maintain services to help such contact arrangements (Adoption UK, 2010, p 2). Helping J J contacted us for support on making contact with her birth parents. The Adoption and Children Act of 2002 has established a framework that provides adopted people, who are more than 18 years old and their birth relatives, rights to request for intermediary services if they wish to make such contacts. Such intermediaries are provided by registered adoption agencies, (either voluntary or local authority), or registered adoption support agencies and act as mediators between adopted people and their birth relatives. It is recommended that people wishing to make contact with birth relatives do so through intermediaries. J was informed about the intermediary process and services that could be provided by me in mediating with her birth mother but decided to contact her directly. When J contacted our agency and the case was assigned to me to help her with her emotional challenges and her desire to establish her birth mother, I engaged her in a long discussion in order to assess her emotional status, her views about her adopted childhood and her desire to meet her birth mother. I met her at her home on two occasions after taking prior appointments in order to ensure that she was prepared for the meeting and would be able to convey her thoughts better in familiar surroundings. I took care to adopt the person centred approach and deliberately avoided all judgemental feelings about her background as a relinquished and adopted child. The adoption of a person centred approach is necessary for the true implementation of anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory approaches and I was able to understand Js emotional and mental condition with greater clarity and empathy (Mearns and Thorne, 2007, p 9). Whilst my choice of open and close ended questions did help her in opening up and in shedding her inhibitions and reservations, I found her to be disturbed about her adopted status. She appeared to be disturbed with her adoptive parents for their concealment of information about her birth, her birth parents and her adoption, and kept talking of small incidents of her childhood about her parents and siblings. She also spoke about her behavioural problems, her disturbed sleep and her difficulties in making friends at school. J was however determined to establish contact with her mother and decided to contact her as soon as she found out her contact details. I offered to act as intermediary and contact her mother in order to assess (a) her views on the relinquishment of her birth child, (b) her current emotional status and (c) her attitude towards establishing contact with J. The lady (J) was however unwilling to wait even for a few days and was convinced that her mother would like to meet her as much as she did. I did mildly explain to her that her mother could have different opinions on the issue and even offered to expedite the process. Whilst J did provide some indication of being ready for my help at the closure of our second meeting, she subsequently changed her mind and established direct contact with her birth mother. Her birth mother, from what J told me later, was absolutely surprised at receiving the call and was taken aback by the development. She responded to Js introductory communication wit h brusqueness and asperity, informing her that she did not wish to respond to her overture or to establish contact. I do feel that J acted with great haste and the result of the initiative could well have been very different with the use of an intermediary. I would have telephoned Js mother and asked for a personal meeting. I would have again adopted a person centred approach, refrained from being judgemental, and would have engaged her in discussions about her reasons for relinquishing her birth child. I would have then gently brought up the matter of J, her adopted childhood, the concealment of information about her adopted status, and her current emotionally disturbed condition. I do feel that such an approach would have yielded a better response from her mother than Js arbitrary method of establishing contact. Conclusions This reflective account details my experiences of dealing with an adopted service user, who tried to unsuccessfully establish contact with her birth mother. Modern day theory on social work and psychology stresses upon the complexity of adoption and the various challenges that the process brings up for the adopted children, the adopters and the birth relatives. Adopters have particularly significant responsibilities in ensuring, possibly through the use of therapeutic parenting methods, that their adopted children do not suffer from separation anxieties and do not develop attachment disorders. It is important for social workers to understand the emotional implications of these complexities and consider the emotional needs of all involved people with empathy and understanding. It is also important, as my experience with J reveals, for adoption reunion processes between adopted individuals and their birth relatives to be handled with great care and thought. I do feel that I should have been more persuasive and possibly more forthright, without being judgemental, with J on (a) the possibly very different perceptions of her birth mother towards the meeting, (b) the compulsions that forced her to relinquish her birth child for adoption and (c) her current emotional condition and social environment. Such an action would have possibly produced better results at the end. My knowledge of social work theory and practice has been significantly enhanced by my experience with J and will help me to deal with such situations much better in future. Word Count: 2625, without citations and bibliography Bibliography Adoption UK, 2010, Wanting to know more or not, Available at: www.adoptionuk.org/information/217131/wanting_to_know_more/ (accessed January 30, 2011). Blum, H. P., 2004, Separation-Individuation Theory and Attachment Theory, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,  (52): 535-553. Bowlby, J., Parkes, C. M., 1970, Separation and loss within the family, In E. J. Anthony C. Koupernik (Eds.), The child in his family: International Yearbook of Child Psychiatry and Allied Professions, pp. 197-216, New York: Wiley. Bowlby, J., 1973, Attachment and loss, Vol. 2: Separation, New York: Basic Books. Brisch, K. H., 1999, Treating attachment disorders, New York: Guilford Press. Cassidy, J., Shaver, P. R., 1999, Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications. New York: Guilford. Feast, J., Howe, D., 1997, Adopted adults who search for background information and contact with birth relatives, Adoption Fostering 21:2, pp 8-15. Fursland, E., 2010, Facebook has changed adoption forever, www.guardian.co.uk, Available at: www.guardian.co.uk//19/facebook-adoption-tracing-birth-mother (accessed January 30, 2011). Goldsmith, F. D., Oppenheim, D., Wanlass, J., 2004, Separation and Reunification: Using Attachment Theory and Research to Inform Decisions Affecting the Placements of Children in Foster Care, Juvenile and Family Court Journal, pp. 1-12. Hollingsworth, L., 1998, Adoptee dissimilarity from the adoptive family: clinical practice and research implications, Child Adolescent Social Work Journal 15, (4): pp 303-19. Howe, D., Feast, J., 2000, Adoption, Search and Reunion: The long-term experience of adopted adults, London: The Childrens Society. Mearns, D., Thorne, B., 2007, Person-Centred Counselling in Action, 3rd edition, London: Sage Publications. Levant, F. R., Shlien, M. J., 1987, Client-Centered Therapy and the Person-Centered Approach: New Directions in Theory, Research, and Practice, USA: Praeger Paperback. Appendices

Saturday, July 20, 2019

ONeill Cylinders Essay -- physics space

Science fiction authors for many years have written book after book exploring, as Star Trek described space, "the final frontier". While many people focus on the exploration side of space, there are some who believe that space is our next refuge. Stephen Hawking has said " I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years unless we spread into space". While some speak of moonbases, or planet-side bases, one of the most intriguing ideas is the O'Neill Cylinder. Gerard K. O'Neill created the O'Neill Cylinder in his book "The High Frontier". An O'Neill Cylinder consists of two cylinders which counter-rotate around each other, each one has a two mile (3 kilometer) radius, and a 20 mile (30 kilometer) length. The two cylinders counter-rotate to create simulated gravity by centripetal force: everything is pushed to the outer wall due to that force. However, some design choices stem from this, some to combat the negative effects, and others to take advantage the centripetal force. Due to the nature of artificial gravity, many people might experience nausea and dizziness. To combat this, the speed of rotation would need to be decreased to about two revolutions per minute. To take advantage of artificial gravity, different parts of the O'Neill Cylinder can rotate at different speeds. In the middle of the cylinder, the artificial gravity will be smaller than everywhere else in the cylinder, and manufacturing facilities would be placed here to take a dvantage of that fact. The cylinders themselves would have six sections on them, half of them are windows, the other half is the ground. Behind each window would be a mirror so they could direct the sunlight into the cylinder, while night could be simulated by simply moving ... ... an object is at a Lagrange Point, it acts much the same as a satellite that is in geosynchronous orbit with a planet. Things at a Lagrange point are at a "fixed" place in space, which is quite an advantage for O'Neill Cylinders. Bibliography Books: O'Neill, Gerard K. The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space 1997. Webpages: Cornish, Neil J. Lagrange Point http://www.physics.montana.edu/faculty/cornish/lagrange.html Hall, Theodore Wayne:The Architecture of Artificial-Gravity Environments for Long-Duration Space Habitation http://www.artificial-gravity.com/Dissertation/FrontMatter.htm/ Dyson, Freeman J. Life of Gerard K. O'Neill http://ssi.org/?page_id=11 Baez, John. Lagrange Points http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/lagrange.html Heppenheimer, T.A. Colonies in Spae: Chapter 2. http://www.nss.org/settlement/ColoniesInSpace/colonies_chap02.html

Friday, July 19, 2019

History Of Birth Control :: Contraceptives, Birth Control Essays

History of Birth Control Although birth control has been practiced since ancient times, the first organized efforts developed during the 19th century as population increased dramatically because of improved medical care, nutrition, and sanitation. However, birth control met with resistance. In 1873 the United States Congress enacted the Comstock Law, which prohibited the distribution of birth-control devices and information. During the early 1900s, American nurse Margaret Sanger led the birth-control movement in the United States. She and others opened clinics to provide women with information and devices. Although frequently jailed, she and her followers were instrumental in getting laws changed. In subsequent years, laws against birth control gradually weakened, and more effective methods were developed. Now a days there are several different methods of birth control. The first that I am going to talk about is called the rhythm method. As its synonym implies, this method is based on the assumption that, for each women, there is a rhythmic pattern of menstruation and ovulation that can be identified by keeping a careful record of the dates of menstruation. A second assumption is that ovulation occurs 14 days before the onset of the next menstruation. The rhythm method is the most commonly used of the natural methods. To be used successfully a record should be kept for at least six menstrual cycles. The fertile period is then defined by a set of rules for example: The length of the shortest cycle less 18 days marking the start of the fertile period and the length of the longest cycle less 11 days marking the end of the fertile period. This is the only birth control method that has received the Catholic Church’s seal of approval. The next natural way of avoiding the use of contraceptives is called the Basal body temperature method. In a normal, ovulatory cycle the temperature of the body measured on awakening, called the basal state, rises by 0.2C to 0.5C during two or three days following ovulation. This rise is defined as one in which three consecutive daily temperatures are at least 0.2C higher than the six daily temperatures preceding the shift. This rise reflect the secretion of progesterone from the corpus luteum. The unplanned pregnancy rate of this method is about 11.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Global Language Essay

As a Untied States citizen, English is the first language of any American citizen. If we add another foregin language to the criteria of our nation, The United States would not be a mixed diversity of race anymore. The Ethnicity would be the same, but our race would be different. For example, The United States of America has been a diverse country with many races such as, American, African American, Hispanic, Chinese, etc. As the generation ages, the country should be open to learning a new languages. When a language acquires a global identity as English has done, many unexpected things can happen. The two main conflicting issues that have come out as a problem are identity and internationalism. Internationalism here means the ability for a language to be understood. It calls for a standard that is agreed in terms of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuations and the conventions of its use. There is no doubt whatsoever about English being a global language in these times we are leaving in. It has become the language of communication and technology and any one who does not want to be left behind in all this has no option but to learn it and eventually English speakers in the coming years will increase extremely. This in itself will disadvantage the native English speakers as they will be outnumbered by the non-native English speakers. They will be the only ones speaking one language as they will see no reason in learning a second language. With time the English language will be controlled be the many non-native speakers who will have become competent in it. The language will then diversify into many versions that will then bring about a lesser understanding than it was initially intended. Communication is the most phenomenal factor in the live of human beings and this has been greatly advanced by the existence of global language. This is language that is used beyond the borders of a single country and this has created understandings among the countries. A global language is sometimes known as ‘lingua franca’ and includes French, English, Latin, and German among others. Having such a language is sometimes beneficial and may also be detrimental to those who are using it. This discussion will explore the instances where English as a global language is overridden by disadvantages. It is important to note that most of people use English as their second language besides their native language. People whose English as their mother-tongue language have an advantage over the other group of people since they easily develop the ability to manipulate the language. This will however be disadvantageous to the other speakers who have English as their second language and will have many problems and waste most of their time trying to master the language. Dominance of English as a language also creates the notion in the minds of many people that their native language is not important and unnecessary. This will create a room of discrimination of the minor groups in the society and further enhance it because language in most cases is used as an identity. This may make the threatened individuals to abandon their language thus enhancing extinction.

Cebu in Philippines: Mabuhay Essay

Mabuhay It nitty-gritty Welcome in Philippines. And here, you truly argon. On Tourism Philippines Guide, youll get word friendly straightforward updated travel information for touring Philippines, what to see and what to avoid. much(prenominal) + CebuPosted by Roz Visarra on unobjectionablethorn 4th, 2009Filed Under Cebu, FeaturedCebuCEBU TRAVEL give-up the ghostwhy Not GoWhy GoBest Time to chitchatWhere to StayWhere & What to EatNightlifeTo Do discoverStay Away FromGetting thitherCebu is a rattling beautiful urban center with countless beaches and nature cat valiums. It dourers perpetuallyything you command- from a relaxing retreat in a tropic island, to all the conveniences that a graduation exercise class metropolis basin give. In contrast to the bustling metropolis, the rest of Cebu s 167 islets and islands atomic number 18 lined with idyllic white sandy beaches and pristine clear waters.The female monarch City of the South is the capital of the Visayas ( wi thal the political, economic, educational and cultural center of the Visayas) and is the second large(p)gest metropolis in the coun hear. Located in in the midst of 2 straits, and several surrounding islands, Cebu is well-nigh 225 kilometers long, a narrow island that is mansion to 2.4 gazillion people.Cebu is the jump-off point to satellite destinations in the Visayas and Mindanao Islands Leyte, Samar, Dumaguete, Siquijor, Cagayan De Oro, Camiguin & Surigao Del Norte. slap-up thermionic vacuum tube Cebu This is an aerial vision of subway system Cebu, showing Cebu City (top left), Mandaue City(right), Mactan Channel(the body of water), and LapuLapu City(part of Mactan Island, scum bag left). The bridge farther in the public figure is the first Mactan-Mandaue bridge, the second star is the Marcelo Fernan Bridge. This is 1 and only(a) of the finest aerial shots I catch for Metro Cebu. The timing was perfect for the plane to make this approach, the weather was right, the sun was like a flood light that is constantly instructive the subject from this angle. This angle and this giftling was discernible for yet a hardly a(prenominal) seconds. Luckily, I was able to take the shot inside that time frame. moving picture by storm-cryptThe essence of Cebu City The western half of Osmena Boulevard, from the Fuente Osmena mess to Cebus provincial capitol. painting by storm-cryptWhy Not GoEverybody loves to go to Cebu so there is really no terra firma why any bingle would not sine qua non to go there, if given the chance. Although if you want to go to a very quiet, provincial place, you stack eternally go to its neighboring towns such(prenominal) as Bantayan, Badian and Argao.Why Go stinkpott Outdo Cebu With an island like this, it is fractious to miss summertime in Cebu. A holi daylight resort on the east side, and in the foreground(west side), is a fish sanctuary, teeming with corals, and a huge variety of species of fish, that you mess view closely to the point that you john billet them. And you female genitalia do all that with on the dot snorkeling. Shot taken off the southeast coast of Mactan Island, just a few minutes of side trip on the way to the airport. This island is called Hilutungan Island a few kilometers off the southeast coast of Mactan Island. picture by storm-cryptSimply because Cebu has it all. If you argon looking for a place to spend your h onenessymoon, there argon several 5 star resorts nearby. If you are planning afamily vacation, you foot jazz parasailing and scuba plunge in the island hotels, and you pot also go masses climbing or camping in one of its nature parks. When it is gripe and inspiration you long for, it has a one-of-a-kind amusement park that you female genitalsnot father anywhere else- the toss out jazz Adventure at Crown Regency. instantly, if it is obtain and dining you want, Cebu has it too a cumulus of them in fact. Anything which your adventurous and wandering softheartedness desires, you can find it in Cebu. exc settlee Cebu caboodles Going strait to north from the municipality of Sibonga impart get you to this point.Taken well-nigh(prenominal)where in key Cebus mountain range, shortly before heading east to the city of Cebu. Photo by storm-cryptBest Time to considerSummer in Cebu is usually very hot while in November-January, the turn is often cold. If you want to frolic in the beach, you should go there during summer which is from action to May. But, if you want to see what Cebu has in hive external for all its visitors, go there in January, specifically on the 3rd week as this is the time they celebrate one of the coun rises biggest festivities, the Sinulog. But you need to book early as hotels are bound to be booked thus far a week or twain before the fete. The rainy season begins in July turning tor needial downpours that would sometimes moderate movement, typhoon operation is minor compared with early(a ) move of the Philippines.Sinulog Sinulog, on the third weekend in January, wonders the baby Jesus (Santo Nino) with a fearful religious parade on Friday dismantleing, and an all-day festival on Saturday. Sort of like bazaar with thousands of participants. Spectacular These girls are your average Filipino teenagers, but are dressed up in the style of cultural minorities who tranquillize live in the more external locals of the country. Photo by friskodudeThe Cebuanos flair for showmanship and love for celebrations is manifested in the Sinulog, a biased festival of pageant proportion observe every third Sunday of January. Sinulog is a terpsichore ritual in honor of themiraculous image of the Santo Nio. The dance moves twain steps forward and one step backward to the sound of the drums. This resembles the menses (Sulog) of what was thence known as Cebus Pahina River. Thus, in Cebuano, they say its Sinulog.SINULOG 07Photo by 2rokbotoyWhere to StaySave up to 75% on hotels in PhilippinesSince Cebu has always been a ordinary tourist destination, it is outfit with hotels and resorts for every budget. If you want to splurge a bit to experience luxury at its best, you can stay at the pastime hotels and resorts Marco Polo Plaza- regain at Nivel Hills, this is a great hotel with such awesome customer service. The solid fodder buffet at Caf Marco is like no other, plus you get a fanciful view of the city. rank start at somewhat $105.Waterfront Hotel and Casino- there are two Waterfront Hotels, one is beside the airport and the other is inside the uptown res publica but I would recommend the hotel in the uptown area because it is so much nicer, with better amenities. irrefutable it is near everything else. Rate starts at $95. orchard Bay- this is set in Lapu-Lapu, it is an island city just about 30 minutes outside from Cebu. This is a truly lovely resort where you can really experience luxury and relaxation. grade start at $cl++.Shangrila Mactan Reso rt and Spa- this is probably the most popular resort in Cebu and with good reason too. It has a beautiful beach front, swimming pools, a huge tend, a melt area for kids plus a terrific health club. Rates start at $ one hundred sixty-five++.If you are on a budget, you whitethorn prefer to stay at cheaper hotels. gaint worry, Cebu has a lot of them and they are quite clean and nice too. gilt Peak Hotel- located in uptown Cebu this is a newly built hotel. Rates start at $30.Maxwell Hotel- some other newly built hotel, with a spa and coffee shop with free digital subscriber line internet. Rates start at chromatic Prince Hotel- this hotel is very near food and obtain establishments, particularly one of Cebus biggest malls which is Ayala. Rates start at $49. heritage of Cebu The Heritage of Cebu monument in Parian showcases the significant events of Cebu. You can also see sculptures of Lapu-lapu, Rajah Humabon, Ferdinand Magellan, martyrize Pedro Calunsod and other prominent histo rical figures that retain moved and shaped Cebu in more ways than one. This monument is the work of interior(a) artist Edgardo Castrillo. It was constructed on July 1997 was inaugurated on Dec. 8, 2000. Photo by Brennan MercadoWhere & What to EatAbuhan- Have you ever heard of Pochero? It is a great savouring soup with pork barrel or call bone marrow, corn and cabbages. Abuhan is renowned for it. You can try this in one of their 3 brances. I would recommend the branch they have at Asiatown IT Park.Golden Cowrie-This is probably the most frequented Filipino eatery, particularly by tourists. Their food is simply amazing. You can try their sauted mushroom and chicken pandan. They have 3 branches in Lahug, SM, and Hukad in Ayala.Spice Fusion- this restaurant offers Asian Cuisines that are quite delicious. A favorite, roti in curry sauce is exceedingly recommended. Spice Fusion has two branches, one at the Banilad Town Center and the other one at North Wing, in SM.Sutukil- visitors should never leave Cebu without going to the famous SUTUKIL. It is an area with several restaurants offering the freshest seafood. You can actually choose from live fish, crabs, and shrimps, and then you can have it cooked SUTUKIL style, which comprises three antithetic food grilled, raw (with vinegar, tomatoes, ginger and chili), and soup. This is located beside the Mactan Shrine in Lapu-Lapu.Caf Laguna-a place where you can taste authentic Filipino dishes. furnish their bistek tagalog, it is simply heaven to the palate. You can find Caf Laguna in the mall and garden area of Ayala substance.Larsians- sample Cebus road food at its finest. Grilled chicken, pork and fish plus you can try their puso or what others call hanging strain. It is rice wrapped and cooked in palm leaves. check City Dimsum- great Chinese food- try their siomai and steam rice. Harbour City has branches in two malls, Ayala and SM.NightlifeCebu has lots of places to go to know your nighttime from downtown to uptown, Metropolitan Cebu comes even more alive as crepuscule sets in, with queues leading to music bars, discos and the casinos.If you want to go dancing, you can go to Sunflower at Lahug, or at Pump in Archbishop Reyes Street. If you want to go Karaoke, you can go to POD5 at the Banilad Town Center, or at K1 KTV at the Crossroads. If you just want to hang out in a restobar, you can go to Sinners and Saints in Banilad or a sportsbar called Badgers. You can also go to T.G.I.F. in Ayala where the food, beer and service are really good. Now if you just want to have some nice and quiet evening, you can go to Tops, it sure is nice there during the night you get to see all the lights nearly Cebu.My to do ListIsland Hopping- You can rent a pumpboat for about $60 and this result take you to 3 beautiful islands around Cebu. It is a whole day activity so you may want to bring in some lunch and snacks.Mountain View- You can go there day or night- it does not matter as they are open 24/ 7. It is honest of tall trees and flowers, plus hangout areas and playgrounds for kids. You also get a great view of the city at the top. Entrance fee $1.25 per personNature Tripping- You can go to one of its many waterfalls, especially the one in Badian which is the Kawasan Falls, it is about 2 minute of arcs out-of-door from the city.Bantayan Island- This is about a 3 minute drive to the southernmost port, and then you entrust take a RoRo to the island which is about an hours travel. Bantayan is great for those who want some quiet time in sweet-flavored white sand beaches.Turtle with two live sharksuckersPhoto by alfonsatorMoalboal- You should go there if you want to dive. It is about 2 hours away from the city. They have several diving packages at different rates. The islands of Mactan and Camotes are not to missed by diver addicts too.Sky Experience- located at the heart of the city, this is where the citys tallest building is. Experience the thrill of walking hundreds o f feet above groundbasilica del Sto. Nino- this very old church is located at the heart of downtown Cebu. in that respect you can see the many faces and images of the footling Jesus. It has been said that miracles happen if you ask the Sto. Nino to crave for you.Cebu CathedralPhoto by neiltootShopping- there are two kinds of shopping you can do-high end and low end. You can find some really good buys in downtown Cebu, specifically at colon Street where tops can go as low as $2. You can also go to two big malls where you can find clothes, shoes and accessories Ayala Mall and SM.Stay Away FromCebu is also home to a lot of pickpockets and robbers. Stay away from the downtown area late at night. Even during the day, you should keep your valuables in places where it is herculean for robbers to get access to it.