
Monday, September 30, 2019

Baby Bottle Syndrome

Baby-Bottle Syndrome Putting an infant to bed with a bottle can result in aspiration or decay of all the upper teeth and the lower posterior teeth (Nainar & Mohummed, 2004); (Fig. 28. 21). Decay occurs because while an infant sleeps, liquid from the propped bottle continuously soaks the upper front teeth and lower back teeth (the lower front teeth are protected by the tongue). The problem, called baby-bottle syndrome, is most serious when the bottle is filled with sugar water, formula, milk, or fruit juice. The carbohydrate in these solutions ferments to organic acids that demineralize the tooth enamel until it decays.To prevent this problem, advise parents never to put their baby to bed with a bottle. If parents insist a bottle is necessary to allow a baby to fall asleep, encourage them to fill it with water and use a nipple with a smaller hole to prevent the baby from receiving a large amount of fluid. If the baby refuses to drink anything but milk, the parents might dilute the mil k with water more and more each night until the bottle is down to water only. | | |FIGURE 28. 21 Baby-bottle syndrome. Notice the extensive decay in the upper teeth. (K. L.Boyd, DDS/Custom Medical Stock Photo. ) | Obesity in Infants Obesity in infants is defined as a weight greater than the 90th to 95th percentile on a standardized height/weight chart. Obesity occurs when there is an increase in the number of fat cells due to excessive calorie intake. Preventing obesity in infants is important because the extra fat cells formed at this time are likely to remain throughout childhood and even into adulthood. If a child becomes obese because of overingesting milk, iron-deficiency anemia may also be present because of the low iron content of both breast and commercial milk.Once infant obesity begins, it is difficult to reverse, so prevention is the key (Benton, 2004). Overfeeding in infancy often occurs because parents were taught to eat everything on their plate, and they continue to i nstill this concept in their children. This appears to be the case most often with formula-fed infants whose parents urge them to empty their bottle or finish a cereal serving. It can occur any time parents automatically feed an infant when the child cries, rather than investigating what the cry might really mean. As a general rule, an infant should take no more than 32 oz of formula daily.When solid food is introduced, a bottle of water can be substituted for formula at one feeding. Nonfat milk should not be given because it contains so little fat that essential fatty acid requirements may not be sufficient to ensure cell growth. Another way to help prevent obesity is to add a source of fiber, such as whole-grain cereal and raw fruit, to an infant's diet. These prolong the stomach-emptying time, so they can help reduce food intake. Caution parents about giving obese infants foods with high amounts of refined sugars, such as pudding, cake, cookies, and candy.Encourage parents to lea rn more about balanced nutrition and to provide this for their entire family. Care of Teeth It is well accepted that exposing developing teeth to fluoride is one of the most effective ways to promote healthy tooth formation and prevent tooth decay. The most important time for children to receive fluoride is between 6 months and 12 years of age. A water level of 0. 6 ppm fluoride is recommended because this is the level that protects tooth enamel yet does not lead to staining of teeth.In communities where the water supply does not provide enough fluoride, the use of an oral fluoride supplement beginning at 6 months or the use of fluoride toothpaste or rinses after tooth eruption is recommended (AAP, 2001). P. 849 Teach parents to ask about the presence of fluoride in the drinking water in their community and help them to determine what, if any, supplementation is necessary. Breast-fed infants do not receive a great deal of fluoride from breast milk, so it may be recommended they be g iven fluoride drops once a day.Teach parents to begin â€Å"brushing† even before teeth erupt by rubbing a soft washcloth over the gum pads. This eliminates plaque and reduces the presence of bacteria, creating a clean environment for the arrival of the first teeth. Once teeth erupt, all surfaces should be brushed with a soft brush or washcloth once or twice a day. Children lack the coordination to brush effectively until they are school-age, so parents must be responsible for this activity well past infancy. Toothpaste is not necessary for an infant, because it is the scrubbing that removes the plaque.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Boy Scouts of America

This controversial First Amendment case was heard by the United States Supreme Court in 2000, on appeal from New Jersey’s Superior Court. The dispute arose between the Boy Scouts of America, specifically a New Jersey troop, and a man named James Dale. Dale was an adult Boy Scout and a troop leader in New Jersey. He was also openly homosexual and a gay rights activist. The Boy Scouts were not aware of Dale’s sexual orientation until he attended a seminar that dealt with the needs of homosexual teenagers which was covered by a local newspaper.When the Boy Scouts discovered that Dale was in fact a homosexual, they kicked him out of the organization, claiming that his sexual orientation directly opposed the values they wished to instill in the young members of their group. Dale filed suit in the New Jersey Superior Court. He asserted that when the Boy Scouts revoked his membership, they violated New Jersey law. That law forbids discrimination based on a person’s sexu al orientation in places of public accommodations. The Court ruled in favor of Dale. The Boy Scouts however, believed that their constitutional right of expressive association had been violated.That First Amendment right allows organizations with selective membership standards to forbid membership to anyone who does not meet those standards. The Boy Scouts appealed the judgment to federal court. At the Supreme Court, the decision of the state court was overturned, ruling in favor of the Boy Scouts. The Court provided that the Boy Scouts were selective in accepting members into the organization since they only accept boys over the age of ten, and therefore the group had only practiced their First Amendment right of expressive association.Furthermore, the scout oath illustrated the group’s opposition to homosexual behavior. When members say the oath, they promise to keep themselves â€Å"morally clean†. Alongside the membership standards, the oath essentially won the cas e. This case, while controversial, was decided correctly. The freedom to associate allows groups to gather for any purpose. The freedom of speech allows those groups to speak of their ideas. Freedom of expression is really only a combination of the two. The First Amendment protects groups from being forced to admit members who directly defy their purposes.The same would have applied no matter the group in question. Imagine if the NAACP was forced to admit a man who openly expressed hatred toward African Americans, or a group meant for veterans that was forced to admit an anti-war advocate. This type of forced inclusion into the organization would really disrupt the business of the group. Sometimes, it would make the group pointless altogether. Most likely we would not see membership refusals such as those mentioned as a case of discrimination. It is simply a conflict of interest.The Supreme Court’s decision in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale is extremely relevant to society as a whole, especially to those individuals who are members of certain organizations who practice selective membership standards. No one wants to attend a church that was forced to hire an atheist preacher. No little girl wants to show up to her Girl Scout meeting to find that a little boy has become her fellow scout. As individuals, we like to surround ourselves with people who share similar qualities and characteristics with us.We enjoy gathering with others who share our opinions and purposes. Had the Supreme Court ruled differently in this case, this type of activity could easily be considered discriminatory and punishable by law. While the decision was unfortunate for James Dale, it upheld the Boy Scouts’ constitutional rights, and protected society’s rights as well. In the article, Police in Gun Searches Face Disbelief in Court, New York Times reporter Benjamin Weiser discusses the growing trend of unconstitutional searches conducted by police officers in May of 200 8.One such illegal search happened in New York to a man who was carrying a pistol. In court, the officers involved testified that they had just cause to search the suspect. They claimed, â€Å"He was loitering, sweating nervously and had a bulge under his jacket† (Weiser). The judge however, found that the officers’ story was untrue, and that they had searched the man illegally, violating the Fourth Amendment. Since the gun could not be used as evidence, the case was thrown out. Weiser’s research indicates that this type of situation occurs more often than we might think.He provides that in the last six years there have been twenty similar cases in New York City alone, where police officers unconstitutionally searched suspects, often resulting in the release of criminals who illegally carry firearms (Weiser). The Fourth Amendment protects Americans from search and seizure without probable cause, and this includes searches for weapons by police officers. The fact that these particular officers violated the Fourth Amendment is unfortunate, because their behavior put criminals back onto the streets.However, there was nothing that the judges that heard the cases could do, because the Bill of Rights applies to all Americans, criminals included. While society might prefer that the Fourth Amendment not apply to criminal suspects, the Constitution was meant to protect all people. It would be unfair to be searched without cause, especially if a suspect was not carrying an illegal weapon. The amendment is important in that it protects every aspect of our personal lives.Without it, the police could barge into our homes and take anything that they wanted, confiscate our cars, or seize anything we carry with us, activities that certainly do not constitute a free democracy. In the article, A Witness Startles Court in Pellicano Trial, New York Times reporter David Halbfinger tells the story of a witness â€Å"pleading the fifth† in a Los Angeles c ourt room in April of 2008. The trial was that of Anthony Pellicano, a private eye accused of wiretapping on behalf of his rich and famous clients.During cross examination, witness Phyllis Miller was asked questions about her own involvement in the case. A lawyer got her to admit that she was guilty of a crime herself. After a number of questions were asked, of which she responded to, Miller refused to answer any more self incriminating questions, pleading the fifth. However, the responses she did give now have her facing charges of her own of perjury and fraud. The Fifth Amendment deals with double jeopardy, the due process of the law, and the testimony witnesses in trial.Specifically stating that no person, â€Å"shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself† (Cornell University Law School). This amendment protects individuals from being forced to testify during their own trials, which might lead to a guilty verdict. The Fifth Amendment is very rel evant to society, in that it not only protects us from being charged multiple times for the same crime, but also allows us to keep quiet when we are on trial ourselves. Imagine a guilty man on trial forced to testify truthfully about a murder he committed.Most likely his answers would not be honest anyway, so why ask him to talk at all? Furthermore, imagine his wife testifying about what happened on the night of the crime. If the woman is asked questions about her involvement which might lead to a trial of her own, it is unfair to force her to speak. The Fifth Amendment in its entirety is important for Americans, because it deals with the protection of our personal lives and liberties. Being forced to testify as a witness to another person’s trial should not mean that we to be put on trial.In the article, Washington Mayor to Take Fight for Gun Law to Supreme Court, New York Times reporter Adam Liptak discusses a controversial gun control law out of Washington D. C.. That very strict law made carrying a gun, even two feet in your own home, illegal if you are not licensed to do so. The law was taken to Court and deemed unconstitutional. The mayor of the District of Columbia, Adrian M. Fenty, disagreed with the Court’s decision and challenged it in the United States Court of Appeals in May of 2007.The Court however, refused to retry the case, claiming it was within the limits of the Bill of Rights, so Mayor Fenty planned to take the case to the Supreme Court in July of 2007. Liptak asserted in the article that it was his belief that the Supreme Court would agree to hear the case (Liptak). The Second Amendment, which has always been very controversial, protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms (Cornell University Law School). Many people believe that by limiting the rights allowed by the Second Amendment, violent crime rates would decrease.Still others want to keep their constitutional right to carry guns regardless of crime. The Se cond Amendment is very relevant in today’s society. In a world filled with criminals and violence, we deserve to have the means to protect ourselves, especially when many criminals carry illegal guns themselves. Imagine a robber breaking into your home in the middle of the night with a gun of his own. Most Americans would feel much safer if they had a gun to protect not only their families, but their property as well.Many people feel that by enacting gun control laws, we are putting ourselves at risk since many criminals own guns illegally anyway. The Constitution was written as a means of protecting certain civil liberties, one of which is life. Without the Second Amendment, we have no means of protecting our lives against the violent criminals who wish to hurt or kill us. In the article, National Briefing: South, South Carolina: Appeal to Supreme Court, the Associated Press introduces readers to the case of an imprisoned teenager in South Carolina.The teenager, who at the a ge of twelve brutally murdered his grandparents and burned down their home in 2001, was sentenced to thirty years in prison for his crime. At his trial, his lawyers claimed that his crime was a result of a medication he was taking at the time, Zoloft. When the boy was found guilty, and the sentence was announced, his lawyers planned to take the case to the Supreme Court for violating the Eighth Amendment. The Eighth Amendment protects Americans from cruel and unusual punishment, excessive fines, and excessive bail (Cornell University School of Law).Meaning that, certain crimes should not be punished with extreme sentences, huge bail amounts, or an unreasonable amount of years in prison. For a case such as described above, the punishment seems most reasonable and most likely the teenager will remain in prison. However, sometimes criminals are punished excessively for the scope of their crimes. The Eighth Amendment is very relevant in today’s society, because it protects us fro m being punished to greatly for a small crime. Imagine being given the death penalty for a parking violation.Obviously a punishment such as this would be a violation of the Bill of Rights, and should be. However, without the Eighth Amendment things such as this could happen all the time. We could serve ten years in prison for stealing a piece of bubble gum from the candy store, or be arrested for failure to pay a speeding ticket and have bail set at a million dollars. This type of punishment would be unfair, excessive, cruel, and most definitely unusual. The Eighth Amendment only protects us from such unfair treatment, and therefore is very important in a country built on fairness and freedom.Reflection Honestly, the Bill of Rights is probably the most important part of the Constitution. It protects our freedoms and rights from being taken away from us, and since our country was built on that foundation, it is important that we retain our personal rights. I do not really believe tha t any one of the first ten amendments is more important than the others, but it seems that the First Amendment is the one that is violated the most often. It also seems to be the one amendment that Americans value the most out of the ten.Without the First Amendment, should one of the others be violated, we might not have the right to speak up about it in the first place. I also think that the Eighth Amendment is very critical to our country. In other countries people are thrown in prison and put to death for doing silly crimes and that is wrong. The writers of the Bill of Rights were very clever to include this amendment because it protects us from being treated inhumanly. Overall, I think that all of the first ten amendments work together to protect our rights and freedoms, and thankfully they are usually obeyed.From this assignment I have learned a lot. I have always known that the Bill of Rights is important, but I never realized how often it is violated on an individual basis. A s a citizen of the United States, I am grateful for the rights I have been given by the Constitution. Many citizens of other countries are not so lucky, and I am afraid that many Americans take these rights for granted. I also did not realize how often new amendments are proposed, and moreover, how irrelevant some of the proposed can be. From my research I learned of one amendment meant to define and protect marriage between a man and a woman.It is very interesting to me what some people consider a personal right. I think that without the Bill of Rights, the Constitution itself would be very vague. Since it speaks of certain civil liberties, it was only logical to list those liberties within the document. When we govern by and enforce the Constitution, we are guaranteed these most important rights and freedoms, which make America a country that is privileged and different from most others across the globe. Thankfully our founding fathers envisioned a nation that was democratic and f ree.Therefore, the Bill of Rights is incredibly valuable to our country and the rights and freedoms that we are given, because without it we might not have understood exactly what America was meant to be. I can honestly say that I learned a lot by working through this project, and I think that all students in the United States should have to do similar work to appreciate what they have. Works Cited The Associated Press, â€Å"National Briefing South; South Carolina: Appeal to Supreme Court. † The New York Times 12 May 2008 14 May 2008 . Cornell University Law School, â€Å"Bill of Rights. † Constitution. 2008. Cornell University Law School. 14 May 2008 . Halbfinger, David. â€Å"A Witness Startles Court in Pellican Trial. † The New York Times 12 May 2008 14 May 2008 . Liptak, Adam. â€Å"Washington Mayor to Take Fight for Gun Law to Supreme Court. † The New York Times 12 May 2008 14 May 2008. Renquist, â€Å"Boy Scouts of America and Monmouth Council, et al. , Petitioners v. James Dale . † Findlaw for Legal Professionals. 2008. The United States Supreme Court. 13 May 2008 . Weiser, Benjamin. â€Å"Police in Gun Searches Face Disbelief in Court. † The New York Times 12 May 2008 14 May 2008 .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Using team to build a better workplace Coursework

Using team to build a better workplace - Coursework Example Every team selects a team leader who oversees its activities and necessary resources are allocated to it to facilitate smooth running. Each group is then assigned a task or a problem which it is expected to tackle. Organizations use the team work due to the following reasons: team work provides opportunities to share ideas and strengths, improves productivity, helps in keeping high employees’ morale and provides employees with sense of identity and belonging. There reasons have been described below. Organizations prefer using teams in the workplace because they provide an opportunity to share ideas and strengths. Every employee in an organization has different ideas, strengths, talents and experience. Working as a team enables sharing of ideas, opinions and experiences hence having a wider pool of views and experiences. The organization’s management is therefore in a better position to make informed and better decisions that achieve the organization’s goals. The employees are assigned tasks where they can deliver best which leads to improved work performance. The employees are also incorporated into the organization’s decision making process and it becomes easier for the employees to adopt new policies. Team work boosts the morale of the employees. Each employee is provided with the opportunity to participate in the activities of the organization through their teams. The employees participate in the tackling of tasks allocated to their respective teams and this creates a sense of responsibility and accountability. They feel appreciated and this boosts their working spirit. The competition in the teamwork boosts the morale of the employees as they strive to be the best in the team. The end result is that they perform better hence feeling happy. This makes the working place a pleasant and a friendly place. Working through teamwork can also reduce conflicts that may arise in competition

Friday, September 27, 2019

American Apparel Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American Apparel Case - Assignment Example He further used ex-employees of the company to advertise the products. The employee filed a case on this allegation.DovCharney could have used willing employees subject to their consent on advertising the products. He could also put in mind psychological aspects of the audience and the customers and used a polite way of advertising instead of using naked girls (Gereffi 143-169). This would have put a positive public figure of the company. On the part of company management strategies, Charney lacked seasonal executives and personal assistance to help him in compiling checks that always piled in his office. He could have used a team of trusted person to help him in compiling these checks and notes. The reason this is a good strategy he could have used is because this could spare some time, which he could use to solve other problems facing the company. Since the case was written alleging him on sexual harassment and fall of financial status of the company, there have a lot of events happening. First was his dismissal as the CEO of American Apparel in March this year (Littler, 240-243) . This triggered him on wanting to get his position back to control on the company. He has tried to raise money for buying more share in the company to raise it from 19 percent to 43 percent. This is to try to increase his influence in the company. Also, he is working with some hedge fund investor to help him raise more money. However, on 29th September this year, the board that fired him hired a new interim Chief Executive officer to act on behalf of Charney. Against his will, the hedge fund investors are now negotiating with the board, bringing a draw back on his plans as there is a possibility that this effort of the hedge investors will trigger appointment of a new management team with Charney in exclusion Durif, Fabien, Krug, E. G., Mercy, J. A., Dahlberg, L. L., & Zwi, A. B. 2002. The world

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Aravind eye care system Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Aravind eye care system - Case Study Example For the rest, affordable eye care is provided. Surgeries on cataracts form approximately 70 percent of all operations. The Aravind Eye care Hospital exists as an ophthalmological hospital which currently has various locations and branches in India. Through creativity and innovation, Dr. Govindappa Venkatawamy founded this hospital in 1976. Since that time, it has grown and expanded into a network of several eye hospitals. This has seen a total of approximately 32 million patients in record 36 years and has also performed approximately 4 million eye surgeries, majority of these being very cheap or even free. Many people all over the world have congratulated the model and the services offered by the Aravind Eye Care hospitals and it has become a point of reference for various case studies (Center for Health Market Innovations). Innovation generally means creating more efficient and effective products, services, ideas and processes which increases the possibility of business or a venture succeeding. Ventures that are innovative create more effective work processes and experience better performance and productivity. Innovation could mean executing new ideas, creation of dynamic products and services or just improving on the existing goods and services. Innovation has been attributed as a catalyst for the fast growth and success of Aravind Eye care Hospital and has helped it to grow in the marketplace (Salge & Vera 2009, 67). Being innovative does not necessarily mean inventing new things; innovation could mean changing the business model and adapting to new changes in the environment so as to deliver better and improved products, services and ideas. Successful innovation ought to be an in-built part of the business strategy, where culture of innovation is developed, experience innovative thinking and the development of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mechthild of Magdeburg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mechthild of Magdeburg - Essay Example Mysticism is the experiential core of spirituality, contrasted with religion, which is an organized assembly of rituals†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Mechthild’s level of spirituality is god-ordained. With this perspective, she is eminently suited to tread the path of spirituality. She gives up the secular comforts with the intention to become a Beguine at Mageleburg in 1230. She is trained in spirituality by Dominicans, who excel in austerities, engage in extensive prayers and hard mortification. She has profound divine experiences often, and she is totally free from the secular confusions and her inner self is one with Divinity. In 1270 she associates with Cistercian nuns at Helfta, and continues with them for the rest of her life. She has written a great book that contains the details of her inner experiences and visions. The name of the book, as ordained by God is "Light of my divinity, flowing into all hearts that live without guile". Mechthild begins writing it in 1250 and completes the 6th volume at Magdeburg in 1264.She adds the 7th volume at Helfta. That Mechthild, one of the greatest medieval mystic, was marginalized in her times by a male-dominated Western Culture was true. Women were marginalized in all sections of the society and spirituality was no exception. Carol L.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Financial statements of a company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial statements of a company - Essay Example Center of discussion in this paper is Stewardship as the ethical responsibility of the managers to effectively and honestly manage the resources of the firm. Managers therefore are considered as stewards of the firm however, managers are also considered as self-interested individuals who can pursue their own objectives too. Such tendency of the managers therefore requires that the shareholders must use company financial statements to ensure that the managers are performing their stewardship duty. Through techniques such as financial ratio analysis, shareholders can actually look into the overall performance of the managers and decide whether such performance is actually according to the ability of managers. If assessed performance is considered as below-par it may be concluded that the managers may not be fulfilling their responsibility. Agency Theory outlines that there may be conflict of interest between the shareholders and managers of the firm. The basic objective of managers is to ensure that they act in a manner which always results into an increase in the value for shareholders. This therefore requires that the managers must actively pursue the objective of maximizing shareholders wealth. This objective however, may be jeopardized as the managers may take actions which only result into their own benefits and may not entirely result into creation of value for the shareholders. For example, managers may make decisions to increase their compensation or earnings regardless of the fact that such actions may damage the overall shareholder interest in short or long run. Such conflict of interest therefore outlines that the managers must have been kept on watch in order to ensure that their actions do not result into losses for shareholders. It is because of this reason that the theories of corporate governance have been forwarded to design a framework which can ensure that the managers must act in a certain manner. This is for ensuring that the overall interest s of the shareholders are protected while at the same time ensuring that the managers get substantial authority to pursue such objectives. (Cane, 2008) An opposite to Agency theory is the theory of stewardship which requires the shareholders to basically to assume the roles of managers. Through active participation of shareholders, it may be possible to have an effective check over the actions of managers. Managerial Stewardship Stewardship as a concept has some ethical considerations because it embodies the ethical responsibilities of the management to responsibly plan and manage the resources of the firm. From accounting and finance perspectives, managers therefore are considered as the custodians of the firm’s resources and it is their professional and ethical responsibility to ensure that they plan and manage resources in the best of the interest of the organization and hence its shareholders. It has been however, outlined that the overall research on understanding the st ewardship and the role of mangers have been limited. It is also because of this reason that the accounting standard setters face dearth of information which can further strengthen the stewardship ability of the managers. Stewardship theory therefore outlines that the managers are stewards rather than rational individuals having their own self

Monday, September 23, 2019

Research where are the IFRS are significantly different from current Paper

Where are the IFRS are significantly different from current Canadian GAAP - Research Paper Example This demanded a certain degree of similarity in the accounting standers and many international accounting bodies come up which assisted development of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The aim of GAAP is provide rules related to preparation, presentation and reporting of financial statements. GAAP is combination of all the Accounting Frame works, Accounting Laws, Accounting Rules and Accounting frame works. At present Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has the highest authority to establish GAAP which has to be followed by public and private organization. In US, the financial reporting is controlled by Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB). These GAAP brings standards which help Stakeholders to understand present condition of the company, and on the basis of their analysis they make decisions related to credit, investment and other vital financial decisions. But it has been found that the GAAP suffers with certain limitations, like inter indust rial comparison is not possible if GAAP is taken into consideration for financial statement reporting, also certain vital information related to the companys performance are not presented on the financial statement sheet while following GAAP, which are necessary for the merger and acquisition process. So to overcome these hindrances, concept of International Financial Reporting Standers (IFRS) came into existence. IFRS consist of standards, interpretations, and frame works which are to be taken into consideration while preparing and presenting financial statement of a company as adopted by International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Actually, IFRS is the rename of International Accounting Standers (IAS) which was proposed from 1973 to 2001 by Board of International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). In the historical event of April 1,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sentencing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sentencing - Term Paper Example Contextually, there are various considerations and provisions under the aforementioned clause, wherein courts are required to perform a review of every case in relation to proportionality (Gardner & Anderson, 2011). The major considerations and provisions that are included in proportionality in the US Courts are as follows. The magnitude of the crime committed and the severity of the punishment sentenced Sentences that are enforced for identical criminal acts in similar jurisdictions Sentences that are enforced for identical criminal acts in relation to other jurisdictions Source: (Gardner & Anderson, 2011) The principle of proportionality came into practice following the case rule in Solem v. Helm, 463 U.S. 227 (1983) and subsequently, the Supreme Court of the US implemented the procedures in accordance with which proportionality amid crime and penalty were to be evaluated. The case of Pulley v. Harris, 1984 can also be regarded as a landmark case in the history of developing the pr inciple of proportionality by the US Supreme Court Gardner & Anderson, 2011). ... Contextually, there are certain groups of individuals who cannot be offered with the death punishment sentence. These individuals include defendants who are (i) mentally retarded or insane, or (ii) are juveniles under 18 years of age and (iii) defendants who are found to be guilty in aiding a felony act but restrains from committing a homicide or a similar category of felony themselves (Gardner & Anderson, 2011). For an example, in the case of Graham v. Florida (No. 08-7412) (2010), the delivered judgment advocated that Graham (the defendant) committed robbery and armed burglary crimes. Later, Graham was charged with additional crimes and accordingly, the trial court canceled his probation terms, convicting him with life imprisonment punishment sentence. Graham then appealed and charged against his sentences under ‘Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause’. Contextually, in accordance with the principle of the clause, because Graham was a juvenile, it was ruled that he could not be sentenced with life imprisonment of death penalty without parole in case of non-homicide crime (Cornell University Law School, 2010). The ‘Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause’, under the provisions of the US Supreme Court, also states that mentally retarded people or insane convicts cannot be deemed eligible to be punished with death sentence, but can be or life imprisonment [Ford v. Wainwright (No. 85-5542) 752 F.2d 526, reversed and remanded] (Cornell University Law School, n.d.). As mentioned above, the principle also prohibits the US courts from delivering a death sentence to a convict who is found guilty to aid and/or abet a homicide crime or equivalent criminal offence(s) but is not directly responsible for the committed crime [Enmund v. Florida (No. 81-5321) 399 So.2d

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Video game controversy Essay Example for Free

Video game controversy Essay Technology has (had) come a long way since the early years of life. The use of technology to humans, is to enhance or improve whatever it may be to have a much quicker advancement or have a better and easy going lifestyle. But in the more recent years, technology has turned for the worst. Specifically speaking, video games. Video games in its early years were meant for a positive use, much like any other type of game; to simply act as a fun activity to pass time. That is not the case anymore because of how dangerously advanced and addicting video games can be. In fact it’s so dangerous nowadays that countries like South Korea are contemplating whether or not to ban video games. Why is it dangerous? Video games influence a type of negative social behavior, has a direct correlation to the cause of Insomnia, and is relevant to the increasing obesity rates in America. Playing video games can lead to many negative effects on a person. Video Games influence a type of negative social behavior. â€Å"The effects of videophilia are substantial and include obesity, attention disorders, lack of socialization and poor academic performance† (Video Game Addiction). The person (game player) may lose social skills and qualities depending on the level of video game addiction. Usually, the player is spending so much time on the game that he/ she is neglecting other areas of life. A common sign of video game addiction is constantly talking about the game almost constantly. â€Å" It is more likely to talk down upon a peer after a violent video game session† (Tiret). These types of social skills are not acceptable to continuously practice. The people that talk down on peers because of the violent video game session could go into depression or anxiety because of what others say or think about them. Young Children love playing rated M 18+ games that contain violence and other profound content (Parks). â€Å" the more time children and teens spend playing violent video games the more likely they are to display aggressive behavior† (Tiret). The more violent the game is, the more violent the player will be. It’s morally wrong to be mean for absolutely no reason towards other human beings. The effects on aggressive behavior can be long lasting (Tiret). A build up in anger is not healthy. If the constant aggression keeps up, the aggressive person will be ostracized by classmates or friends. Insomnia is easily caused by the lack of sleep, which is a common symptom of a video game addict. â€Å"Studies have shown that people deprived of contact with nature were at greater risk of depression and anxiety† (Wilderness Adventure). â€Å"In a study by Breslau and associates, patients with insomnia were nearly 4 times more likely to suffer major depression than those without insomnia† (Johnston). A depressed person will look at everything negatively and have no motivation to go outside. The person may even view his/ her life not even worth living. Stress and depression can be caused by a variety of things resulting in insomnia. Stress may be caused by hours on the computer playing a game without rest. Depression may hit the person, depending on intimacy with the video game, once he/she loses a lot. â€Å" insomnia and its associated daytime sleepiness had significant negative effects on cognitive functioning and impaired their subjects’ ability to perform ordinary tasks† (Johnston). â€Å"Excessive Sleepiness has been linked to learning disabilities in children and cognitive and memory problems in adults† (Johnston). If this keeps up then the next generations will become less capable than the ones before which shouldn’t happen. Remembering what you ate for breakfast will be very difficult. â€Å"Poor sleep hygiene includes an irregular sleep schedule, stimulating activities before bed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Mayo Clinic). The ‘stimulating activities’ could translate into playing video games before you sleep. The effects of the stimulating activities causes the person to stay awake longer in bed. Some argue video games can be healthy to a person. One of the biggest positive effects video games can have on a person is the fact that makes people happy. As a result, video games have become an easy scapegoat for numerous violent tendencies and social behaviors. Video games are indeed a scapegoat, but it doesn’t hide the fact that the people who play these games as a scapegoat are neglecting themselves from the real world. These people will not get to experience what it’s really like in the real world. Based on solid scientific evidence, video games may actually fill basic human needs that the real world fails to satisfy (Shapiro). This applies to people who have social anxieties causing these people to refrain from the outside even more. The people are not completely solving their problems, only temporarily. It is not the game’s fault for these negative effects. There are millions who play the game and don’t go out and do the negatively portrayed actions on the news. The criminals mention the games’ names and blame the games. Violent games are very influential on a person. â€Å"Reality is too complicated to blame playings games, moving pictures, or letters on a page† (Parks). Games are where people get ideas from. Life is commonly sealed into one perception for a person, and curiosity comes from ideas that have never been heard of before. Addiction of video games can easily lead into obesity which is a dangerous and lethal disease. Video games create an obstacle for children. â€Å"Children today spend an average of 6 hours each day in front of the computer and TV, but less than 4 minutes a day in instructed outdoor play† (Wilderness Adventure). There is an extreme amount of physical inactivity. The calories are not burned which turn into fat later on. â€Å"Getting less than seven hours of sleep a night can cause changes in hormones that increase your appetite† (Mayo Clinic). Less sleep IS a vital cause of obesity. Eating most of your calories at night contributes to weight gain. â€Å"Overweight and obesity are linked to more deaths worldwide than underweight† (WHO). Being overweight and obese brings cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and even some cancers. The obese people are not outside and running which leads into no training for the cardiovascular system. While playing video games, gamers do not pay attention to what they eat which could lead into a massive buildup of diabetes. â€Å"More than 40 million children under the age of five were overweight in 2011† (WHO). 41% of certain cancer burdens are attributable to overweight and obesity. Children who play video games fit into this category. The topic of video games being perceived as a positive thing today is growing out of hand. It’s like spreading a humongous lie to gullible innocents. Affecting social behavior in a negative manner, causing obesity, and developing insomnia are serious matters. The negative effects of playing video games are severe and the idea of playing video games should not be taken lightly.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Roots of Hindu-Muslim Tension in India

Roots of Hindu-Muslim Tension in India India has had a long history of religious violence, stemming as early as the Middle Ages when Muslim expansion spread into the Indian peninsula to the British Invasion of the middle 19th century. Various events throughout history have contributed to the tension between the Hindus and the Muslims; some Indians converted to Islam to lessen tension, but the fragile coexistence between Indian Hindus and Indian Muslims continually gave way to violence between the two groups.       As basic context, Hinduism is considered one of the worlds oldest religions. It predates Christianity and Islam by centuries. Hinduism is a difficult religion to understand because it doesnt have a strictly structured set of beliefs. In more ways than one, Hinduism is inclusive of other religions, such as Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism, etc. It is often considered more of a way of life or a philosophical set of beliefs rather than a religion as other faiths would be considered to be. Hinduism views life as a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, with Karma acting as a guiding force. Islam is a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, who lived between 570-632 BCE. Followers of Islam are called Muslims and Muslims worship the Supreme Being, Allah, and follow his revelations contained in their sacred text, the Quran. This history of Hindu-Muslim tension has mostly been studied in political sciences, as it is one of the most striking examples of Indian Politics, and the question of how and why riots occur has been a pressing issue for years. However, such history is also discussed in religious- studies professors, such as Valerie Stoker, a religion philosophy and classics professor at Wright State University. Her book, Polemics, and Patronage in the City of Victory: VyÄ satÄ «rtha, Hindu Sectarianism, and the Sixteenth-Century Vijayanagara Court, uses the Vijayanagara Court as a way to understand the dynamic interaction between religious and royal institutions during the time period of 1346-1565. While Stokers main question is how did the patronage activities of Indias Vijayanagara Empire (c. 1346-1565) influence Hindu sectarian identities?, she addresses that the Vijayanagara Court was actually very selective in its patronage of religious institutions. The Vijayanagara Court was the precolonial Southern Indian primary political power, with Vijayanagara, meaning city of victory for its status as the center for emerging global economy. It attracted merchants and business from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Because of the wealth Vijayanagara Court had acquired by the early 1500s, it had become one of the greatest and most diverse urban populations of the world. Due to the increased interest from the Middle East and invasion of northern India, it was primarily known as a Hindu wall against Muslim invasion. Geographically, Vijayanagara Court was located in the center of the country, encompassing people primarily of the Hindu and Christian faiths, as shown in Map 1. In Map 1, the region that is indicated by Vijayanagara is the only region that is still primarily Hindu and Christian, and its important to note that all of the other regions above have been marked with Muslim invasions, such as: Faruqi Imad Shahi Nizam Shahi Barid Shahi Qutb Shahi Shitab Khan The origins of the Vijayanagara Court have been noted to be the result of the Sangama Dynasty of 1336-1337, in which the rulers, Harihara I and Bukka Raya I, were commanders-in-chief when stationed in the Hoysala Empire to ward off the Muslims during the early invasion attempts of South India. The Hoysala Empire was the last of the Hindu states that survived the invasion at that time. However, these origins are not confirmed, but Stoker claims that after the death of Hoysala king, Veera Ballala III, during a battle against the Sultan of Madurai in 1343, the Hoysala Empire merged with the growing Vijayanagara empire. Until 1509, the Vijayanagara Court warded off five invasions from the Deccan Sultanates, five dynasties combined into one large empire. These five dynasties included the Muslim-ruled late medieval kingdoms of Bijapur, Golkonda, Ahmadnagar, Bidar, and Berar of south-central India. This Sultanate seems to be what caused bitter relations between the Hindu and the Muslims bec ause at this point in time, beginning 1500 AD, India went through an extensive period of religious violence at the hands of the Sultans Army. Of the two sects of Islam, the perpetrators were Sunni Muslim and the primary victims were Hindus. Between the years of 1000 and 1500, the population of the Indian subcontinent had decreased by eighty million. Even the Hindus that has converted to Islam were not spared in the violence. Stoker primarily focuses on South India, and religion is mainly discussed in the chapter called Hindu, Ecumenical, Sectarian: Religion and the Vijayanagara Court, in which the above information stems from. However, it is important to note that the Vijayanagara Court in itself, as a strong Hindu Empire, had strict rules on which sect of Hinduism would primarily be followed and which sect had the governing power during the reign. Within Hinduism itself, there are many sects. These sects, since Hinduism has no central doctrine, follow traditions and beliefs in accordance of the three main gods: Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. Shiva, being The Destroyer, Vishnu, being The Protector, and Brahma, being The Creator. The Hindu denominations who follow Brahma as their guiding force, are the ones that considered to be the most pure and the utmost followers of Hinduism. Historically, the Brahmins; followers of Brahma, were primarily the royalty or upper middle class. So, the Vijayanagara Court were also strong Brahmins, and Vijayanagara royals religious patronage played a critical role in shaping the various practical mechanisms that enabled the empire to function (Stoker, Chapter 6). Now, it is important to note that the Vijayanagara Court wasnt always governed by the Brahmins. Originally, when the empire was created, the founders, Harihara I and Bukka Raya I, were strong devotees of Shiva. Despite their sectarian preferences, the Vijayanagara rulers, on the whole, adopted the deliberate policy of tolerance towards all sects to incorporate them all within the policy. The next ruler after Harihara and Bukka Raya, Devaraya II, took over the empire and was deemed the most successful of all of the rulers that had power over the Vijayanagara Court. Devoutly religious, Devaraya II endowed Sri Vaishnava temples at Srirangam and Tirumalai, and favored Jain institutions in the capital and elsewhere since the highest form of devotion was found in intricate temples. Most importantly, Devaraya II employed Muslims in his army and allowed them to practice their religion freely. Thus, Vijayanagara royals well-maintained Indian traditions of tolerance and inclusivism that nevertheless privileged specific religious formations. That is quite different from European states in the same period, which, for the most part, waited until the Enlightenment to recognize the political value of religious tolerance. Yet while in some ways, these enlightened Indian attitudes toward religious diversity. To contrast the heavy emphasis on precolonial South India that Valerie Stoker places in her monograph, Audrey Truschke, a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, discusses the Northern Indian aspect of the Hindu-Muslim tension in a chapter of her new book, Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court. Truschke argues that most of the religious conflict India is fueled by ideological assumptions about that period [medieval times] rather than an accurate rendering of the subcontinents history. In pages 27-63, Truschke discusses the influence of Brahmins in the Mughal Empire, which was the primary governing Islamic empire of the North. The Mughal Empire was about a century later than the Vijayanagara Court, ruling during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, founded near the end of the Vijayanagara Court, in 1526. Babur was the founder of the Mughal Empire, and subsequently its first ruler. He invaded India from Central Asia with only 12,000 men, and defeated many larger armies, eventually forming the Mughal Empire. Humayun, Baburs son, lost control of his empire soon after taking the throne. With the help of his Persian advisors, Humayun regained his empire and even expanded to the South and East. It is important to note here the Persian influence and the help of Persian and Central Asian advisors straightened what was to be a long lasting cultural impact from the subcontinents western neighbors. Later during his reign, the presence of Persian advisors was a constant feature of his court. The Emperor Akbar the Great, who ruled the Mughal Empire from 1556 to 1605, was one of the most important Mughal rulers for fostering religious cohesion amongst Muslims and Hindus. His trusted friend and advisor, Abul Fazl, wrote a book, the Akbarnama (Truschke, Chapter 4), describing the rule of emperor Akbar including Akbars religious views and policies toward Hindus. Abul Fazl wrote a lot about the interactions and policies that the Muslim government established in response to the Hindu majority. This shows the tolerance of the Muslim leadership toward another religion in order to keep power peacefully. The text even talks about the similarities in the religions. The tolerance and acceptance shown to the Hindus by the Muslim rulers of the time were a politically savvy move. Ruling an empire where the majority of the population did not have the same religious views as the ruling class presented many obstacles, and required the Mughal rulers to practice religious sensitivity in orde r to maintain power. However, what is interesting about Truschkes argument in the first chapter of her book is that she also finds it important to highlight that the Muslim invasion wasnt all negative. While it is not to lessen the negative impact of Muslim Invasion on the Indian subcontinent, it is also important to note that Muslim rule in India from the 16th to 18th centuries was, in fact, one of tremendous cross-cultural respect and fertilization, not religious or cultural conflict. She said her research overturns the assumption that the Mughals were hostile to traditional Indian literature or knowledge systems. In fact, her findings reveal how Mughals supported and engaged with Indian thinkers and ideas. Early modern-era Muslims were, in fact, deeply interested in traditional Indian learning, which is largely housed in Sanskrit, says Truschke. For example, in the Vijayanagara Court, Brahmins were the primary governing Hindu denomination; similarly, in the Mughal Empire, the Brahmins had detailed interactions with the intellectuals of the Mughal Empire. The Brahmins became influential members of the empire through composing Sanskrit works for Mughal readers and through writing about their imperial experiences. Through this observation, it seems as though Truschke looks at the Hindu-Muslim interaction in a precolonial era of the Indian subcontinent more positively than in contrast to the more common, media-based views that assume that Muslim interaction and presence has always been malicious to Indian religions, languages, and culture. This example of Mughal artwork depicts Emperor Akbar presiding over discussions in the Hall of Religious Debate, ca. 1600. (Image credit: Chester Beatty Library, Dublin). The original painting is found in Dublin, and naturally, the image has been cleaned through computer graphics. This artwork is found in The Akbarnama. Akbarnama means Book of Akbar and it is an official, imperial biography, written by Akbars close friend and associate, Abul Fazl, who was mentioned earlier in this essay. In the illustrations to the text, Akbar is portrayed as a powerful, versatile, and heroic figure, as he seems to have been perceived by his contemporaries. In this painting, however, another aspect of the emperors personality is portrayed: his intense curiosity about other religions. Akbar is shown in the midst of a theological debate with Jesuit missionaries in his Ibadat Khana, or House of Worship. Hindu-Muslim has long been a source of conflict in India and the Indian subcontinent as a whole. While it was not discussed in this paper, religious violence began as early as the 7th century with the earliest of Muslim invasions, and that time onwards, the conflicts have only risen. From the Vijayanagara Court to the Mughal Empires, hundreds of invasions and wars have been fought. The Mughal Empire was the precursor to the British Empire, who brought a new wave of imperialism once again in the Indian subcontinent. This occurs in the beginning of the 19th century. The British benefited from pitting Hindus and Muslims against one another and portrayed themselves as neutral saviors who could keep ancient religious conflicts at bay. While colonialism ended in the 1940s, the modern Hindu right has found tremendous political value in continuing to proclaim and create endemic Hindu-Muslim conflict. More of the British invasion, and the Partition of 1947 will later be discussed in paper two . Works Cited:    Fazl, Abul. Akbar and the Jesuits. 1600-03 India. Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Ireland. Chester Beatty Library Image Gallery. Chester Beatty Library. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.http://www.cbl.ie/cbl_image_gallery/collection/detail.aspx?imageId=99ImageNumber=T0004641collectionId=2page=8>. Mughal Artwork from the Akbarnama book written by Abul Fazl Truschke, Audrey. Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court. Columbia University Press, 2016, www.jstor.org/stable/10.7312/trus17362. Stoker, Valerie. Polemics and Patronage in the City of Victory: Vyasatirtha, Hindu Sectarianism, and the Sixteenth-Century Vijayanagara Court. Oakland, California, University of California Press, 2016, www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/j.ctt1kc6jt3.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Search for Dostoyevsky in Crime and Punishment Essay -- Crime and

The Search for Dostoyevsky in Crime and Punishment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky who is known as a great novelist wrote timeless classics such as The Idiot, Crime and Punishment, and The Brothers Karamazov, was not only a novelist, but a good psychologist who uncovered the secret sides of the human beings in a very effective way. His novels also affected Freud, Nietzsche, and Joyce. However there is one point that is a mystery. Did Dostoyevsky really reflect his own feelings, especially his fears, into the characters of his novels?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fyodor was born in Moscow on October 30 in 1821 in Hospital for the poor, the second of seven children. His mother Mme Marya Feodorovna and father Dr. M. Andrey Dostoyevsky whose surname comes from a small village, Dostoevo, came from the Lithuanian nobility. Dr. Dostoyevsky’s father was a priest in Ukrainia who wanted his son to be a priest like him. However, Andrey ran away from home to become a doctor when he was fifteen. He was accepted to the Imperial Medical-Surgical Academy in 1809, and continued his career in various hospitals. Fyodor’s only elder brother Mikhail was born in 1820, one year earlier than Fyodor (Troyat 37).   They lived in a small apartment on the hospital grounds for a long time. When Fyodor reached the age of thirteen, Dr. Dostoyevsky became a nobleman, and moved to Darovoe where he bought a small land about 150 versts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dostoyevsky mentioned about his mother with a great love. According to him, she was a cheerful, warm and adorable person. He lost her mother in 1837 when he was about sixteen. His father, however, draws a contrast portrait with his mother. He suffered from headaches that affected his character deeply in a negative way. Althou... ...rform, and made him feel like a murderer. This is the fear of a lonely person which forced him to create his unique characters. Many times, I feel guilty as if I committed a murder.† F. M. Dostoyevsky Works Cited Conradi, Peter J.   Fyodor Dostoevsky.  Basingstoke : Macmillan , 1988. Dostoyevsky,   Fyodor.   Crime  and  Punishment. New York: The Modern Library, 1950. Frank,   Joseph.  Dostoyevsky The  Seeds  of  Revolt   18211849.  Princeton:   Princeton UP,  1976.   Frank,   Joseph.   Dostoyevsky The  Years   of   Ordeal   1850 - 1859.   Princeton:   Princeton UP,   1983.   Jones,   Malcolm.   Dostoyevsky   After   Bakhtin Readings   in   Dostoyevsky’s   Fantastic Realism.   Cambridge:   Cambridge UP,  1990. Simmons, Ernest J.   Dostoyevsky The making of a novelist.   London:   John Lehmann Ltd,  1950. Troyat, Henri.   Dostoyevsky. Istanbul: Cem Yay?nevi,  1973.        

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Oh, For the Love of Thought :: Philosophy Plato The Allegory of the Cave Essays

Oh, For the Love of Thought Many thinkers have existed throughout history. These thinkers were called philosophers because they literally loved knowledge. In fact, the root phil means love, and the root soph means knowledge. These lovers of knowledge have always looked for ways to spread both their knowledge and their way of constantly thinking to other people. One of these attempts was Plato's The Allegory of the Cave. Plato's The Allegory of the Cave describes, through a conversation between Socrates and his student Glaucon, cave dwellers who see only shadows of puppets on a wall. Socrates emphasizes to Glaucon: To them, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images. Socrates continues his supposition by rhetorically asking: What will follow if the prisoners are released and disabused of their error?. It turns out, says Socrates, that the experience will be painful at first. Once a liberated cave dweller leaves the cave and goes to see the sun, he will see a greater truth than those in the cave. Socrates and Glaucon continue to discuss the cave and determine a set of possibilities: The cave dweller who does not leave the cave will be ignorant; he will not know nor want to know the truth. The cave dweller who leaves the cave and returns will be considered heretical; while he knows a greater truth, he must suffer for it. The cave dweller who leaves the cave and does not return w ill be cause for the cave dwellers to consider the sun, enlightenment, or the ultimate truth to be dangerous; it will be reason for the cave dweller not to leave the cave. The allegory, continued in a reader's mind to a deeper level at which visible reality is an unraveling ball of infinite size with ultimate truth at its core and layers of illusion surrounding it, shows that there will always be a deeper truth. No one person can be fully enlightened and see ultimate truth just as no one person can see the whole of a sphere. It takes the perspectives of all to even begin to see the ultimate truth. Plato begs man in general not to consider the ideas of other men to be heretical because the ideas force people out of their comfort zone and do not make immediate sense to them. People must be continually open-minded. Man may find a new insight into something shedding a layer from the aforementioned ball of reality, but that just means that there are infinitely more insights to gain before the layers of illusion are shed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Marketing Strategy for a New Company Essay -- Business and Management

Marketing Strategy for a New Company Introduction I am making a marketing strategy for a non-existing Service. The service is going to be unique and very broad in the region of car services such as garages, repair and modifying services, selling cars and parts, and even entertainment including car shows and racing once or if the company expands. The service will also include a bar or social room. The service that will use the marketing strategy will be situated in Northampton; Northampton is situated in the centre of England and has been expanded rapidly into a city. The place in Northampton will be six fields because it has large room and has a main road through it, it also had buses going to and from it. I am going to use research on other similar existing services to get ideas and recognise competition. I have chosen a business in cars because it is a popular product and is quite stable. I also found a growing trend in Car modifications and a gap in the market; especially in the Northamptonshire area where my service is going to exist. The company will be focused most in the modification market since this is where a gap is. The service will be for people in the market aged 18 + since it covers a very wide range of car services but will mainly be aimed at 18-35 males since the characteristic of modification is more popular at a younger age range of males. The prices for my service will be at a price above average than what the market is...

Inventory Control System and Restaurant Essay

In the study conducted by Md Taha Hanisha entitled Online Restaurant Management System (2008) a system that provides service facility to restaurant and also to the customer. The services that are provided are food ordering and reservation table management by the customer through the system online. With this system online, ordering and reservation management will become easier and systematic to replace traditional system. With this study, the ordering and reservation services will be easier to the customer because it can be done through the internet. The study helps the proponents to improve the services of the business through online and they knew the different demands that the company must meet. According Li, et. al. (2011), the E-commerce on-line catering reserving and ordering system based on mobile intelligent terminal is system integrates with wireless communications, artificial intelligence, and database technologies and achieves many functions, such as reserving, ordering, evaluation, recommending, restaurants navigation, scheduling, information displaying, and ordering records management, etc. The system has realized customer-focused, personalized, and high quality catering reserving and ordering service and has been used in several restaurants in Beijing. With the use of modern information technology it improves the operational efficiency of restaurant and catering enterprises. This study gives the proponents an idea to which the system helps the business in different operations with the use of the technology. The system integrates with wireless communications that could help the company to have a high standard performance. Local Related Literatures According to the studies conducted by the Distributors Edge (2010), Distributors of all kinds are now facing challenges to their survival and success as today’s difficulty economy puts increasing pressure on inventories. As competition in testifies, cost raise, customer expectations increase, and profit margins continue to shrink; the margin for error around inventory management has continuously narrowed. Now, wholesalers/distributors are forced to confront the dilemma associated with inventory. They must determine how to keep stock levels as low as possible without sacrificing customer service. Unfortunately, their pain points are increasingly exposed. Whether they are stocking electrical supplies, medical devices, automotive parts, food and beverage products, building materials, or products from other sectors, most distributors are now challenged to rethink their approaches to inventory management. At this point, the proponents became aware of the current situation of inventory systems through the passing and upcoming years and that inventory system now must be accurate and perfectly working in order to provide good service and satisfy the users. Foreign Related Studies In the study conducted by David Piasecki entitled Inventory Management System (2012) a multi-user application that offers fast and user friendly facilities for registration and managing a wide range of telecommunication networks and platforms. This includes IP, MPLS, SDH, SONET, PDH, WDH, Fiber, Ethernet, NGN, Frame Relay, Mobile, DCN, Sync etc. can be used across the entire organization. This means that the needs of the technical departments, sales through to senior management are all well catered for. A comprehensive, integrated view of the entire network can be represented by IMS and can be used to automate delivery and communications. Automatic configuration, Planned Work impact analysis, Network Reconciliation, Single Point of Failure calculations, Warehouse and Spare Management are all facilities which increase the effectiveness in terms of speed and consistency of delivery. This study helps the proponents to know on how a business must manage its inventory to have a better performance of the operations. There are different modules specified, with this, the proponents were able to have a guide to make the inventory system effective and useful in the business. In the study conducted by Admin entitled Wasp Inventory Control System (2010) a system that will help the individuals to eliminate a common inventory problem including Costly end of yearly inventory write-offs, Inaccurate inventory counts resulting in customer dissatisfaction and loss of sales, Wasting time spent searching for missing inventory. Engineered to improve efficiency and profitability, Wasp Inventory Control provides the capabilities you need to accurately track inventory, without the complexity of an enterprise solution. Idea for businesses ranging from individual contractors to larger operations with multiple locations, Control delivers advanced capabilities in an easy-to-use. After reading the article above, the proponents chose this topic because the system can help to lessen a huge amount of problems within the company regarding the yearly cost and the inaccurate inventory counts. With this, the system can control the operation well because of the capabilities it provides. According to Khimes, Restaurant customers appreciate the convenience of being able to make restaurant reservations online, but they also like the personal touch of telephone reservations. A study of 696 restaurant customers found that nearly one-third had made an online reservation. Those who made reservations online tended to be younger than those who did not, and online users also ate out more frequently. Those who made online reservations considered those reservations to be significantly more convenient than telephone reservations, and the online users also thought that websites gave more information about a restaurant than what they learned by calling on the telephone. At the same time, those online users felt that they had a better personal connection with the restaurant when they made telephone reservations. This tradeoff between efficiency and service perceptions points to a strategy of offering reservations via both methods. Emphasizing the convenience of online reservations may encourage customers to use the website, and that will give restaurant operators more information about their customers. Whether a restaurant uses a third-party reservation service or builds its own website, one key to ensuring a successful reservations process is to make the electronic process as straightforward as possible. At this point, the proponents come up with an idea regarding the effective way on reservation process on restaurants. And also, they determine what is more convenient to the customer in making reservation online or through telephone. Giving emphasis to the convenience of online reservations may encourage customers to use the website, and that will give restaurant operators more information about their customers. According to Tiffany (2012), if you are owner of a restaurant then you can consider the system called online restaurant reservations. Utilizing reservation system for your restaurant is a much better idea for you to develop your business and increase your customers as well. If you wish to install reservation system for your restaurant then you have to think about some important aspects. With the help of installing online dining reservations system it is possible for you to run your business more effectively than ever before. Also this system includes some of the effective tools which really help you to have a proper plan on managing the tables. So it should be best deal for you to earn more income. You can even get restaurant reservations online system with the combination of table management system. These days many of the restaurant businesses providing this online restaurant booking option to their customers. Many of the restaurant owners create websites for their business in order to reach the customer instantly without any difficulties. So it is very simple for the people to get details about the particular restaurant by searching internet. But your business site must be more attractive one with some superior pictures of your restaurant and even you can upload some special dishes pictures next to the menu on your site. As a fact the visitors will be impressed and they can prefer your restaurant to order their favorite foods. So most of the time, you can find a huge number of restaurant reservation systems providers on the internet. This study gives a lot of ideas to the proponents, there are such benefits and advantages for the company if they have websites and online services such as reservations and other transactions. Today, business must track on the innovation of the modern technology so that they can meet the demands of the user. This kind of advertising can definitely impress people to have preference on the restaurant. Local Related Studies In the study conducted by JeonSoft Solution Enterprises entitled JeonSoft Inventory System (2003) provides easier and faster way to monitor the movement of your business’ stock of goods. It is interactively designed to possibly do the common tasks done in customary way. From item entry, releasing of the items, inventory adjustment, transferring of goods from one warehouse to another and production, sure you can keep track of your inventory. JIS uses JibesXP Tools that has been especially configured with properties that would help you organize well the flow of your inventory. After reading the article above, the proponents chose this topic because the system provides an efficient way monitoring the movement within the company’s stocks releasing items, inventory adjustment, transfers and other productions or operations.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Impact of National Culture on Organisational Principles

Discuss the impact of national culture on organisational principles and behaviour in TWO of the following: China, Japan and/or India. What do you consider to be the most important differences with the West? National culture can be classified as â€Å"the collective mental programming† of a society (Hofstede, 1980). The culture will have great repercussions on the way the way organisations and the different sectors within them are run. Managing them and controlling the human resources will also be dealt with according to the specified culture of the country.It is vital for organisations to understand the culture of different countries that they may be dealing with internationally or have multinational corporations within. This is because the collection of beliefs, habits and traditions within other nations may vary drastically from their own. The Japanese have a strong national culture that affects the way organisations behave and the different principles within them. The natio nal culture is important as it helps structure the culture of organisations. People then know what is acceptable, certain ways to behave and values. They have a number of laws to abide by and for this reason it is very important to follow the culture. A competitive advantage can also be gained as the culture is different to other nations. Children are encouraged to work very hard and it is not about the degree they get but rather how they use what they have learnt and put it into practice that counts. As they are given employment for life in a certain organisation, rather than moving from company to company, they are very hardworking and dedicated. Body postures show respect and bowing for reeting people is common along with gift giving for good effort. If a mistake is made, one does not get in trouble for it as the Japanese simply believe it is a lesson that has been learnt and honesty is key. Teamwork is vital for the Japanese. Countless managers in Japan feel their employees are motivated by working as a team. This is because as they are all working towards the same goal they share many responsibilities and get along well with each other, hence enjoying their job. This is a characteristic of Ouchi’s Theory Z when they are satisfied with their input towards the organisation. Japanese managers believe in consensus and cooperation and use the ‘bottom-up’ rather than the ‘top down’ structure in the decision making process. The hierarchical structure cannot easily be seen as everyone cooperates hugely within the decision making process and dealing with tasks. Managers highlight the need for information to flow throughout the entire organisation be it top or bottom and feel the need for everyone in the organisation to participate. They should be available at all times and readily be enthusiastic to sharing information with the rest of the organisation. The Japanese have been practicing upon many techniques in their organisations which help them in their everyday working lives. Samuel K. M. Ho’s 5-S practice is a procedure which is used to institute quality within the workplace. These five words when translated into English mean organisation, neatness, cleaning, standardisation and discipline. The people of Japan feel if they preserve this quality, it can be used as a good promotional tool. Another well known practice carried out by the Japanese is something called ‘kaizen’, which simply means ‘continuous improvement’. Kaizen is a strategy that aims to involve everyone in the workforce by getting them to think of any improvements for the business frequently. It is a Taylorist approach which helps employees feel recognised and gives responsibility. This is done by carrying out tasks in teams, providing personal discipline and improved morale to the workforce. Quality circles are carried out in which employees give opinions and suggest improvements. The ‘Just In Time Production’ theory is something the Japanese use which is very efficient. It focuses on getting the right material at the right time, at the right place and in the exact amount (Authorstream). This is done in order to save manufacturing costs and has many advantages one of which is it helps prevent stock going out of date as the right amount is produced. So overall, in Japan the national culture affect the organisational principles and behaviour greatly. Organisations expect loyalty, commitment and hard work from the workforce in return for good pay. The culture determines the way in which people are brought up, who is chosen in which organisation and the way people do things in their everyday lives is due to the specified culture. The culture of China varies from region to region within it but overall the culture is homogeneous. The government have been a considerable influence to the culture in organisation as it changes views to suit their needs. There was a cultural revolution from 1966 to 1976 which slightly changed the culture of China because of economic reasons. The previous system hugely converged on philosophy, literature and history but now the national culture has become more open with the world. The main factor of the Chinese culture is politeness. In everyday life, in and out of the workplace politeness determines an individual’s personality. Organisations usually select those who have the best attitude and family are usually giving priority before anyone else. As with Japan, lifetime employment is also the case with China and the organisation become like family to the employee. Respect is very important and the Chinese must ensure they give this at all times in order to prevent the ‘loss of face’. Once someone in China loses face, they are regarded as untrustworthy and lose their dignity along with their self respect. Greetings in China are usually made with the face and the Chinese depend on facial expressions and tone for reputation and respect. As with Japan, teamwork is vital in China as this guarantees good cooperation within the organisation. Gifts are given as recognition of hard work and appreciation and are also used for motivation. Long term relationships are also much more valued rather than quick transactions as the Chinese find it easier to function when they have contacts. This is a more family way of working and is part of Guanxi. Guanxi literally means any type of relationship (Chinese-school) and a favour is usually done for a favour in return. However, he difference from the Japanese culture is in China there are clear levels of hierarchy and people are usually judged according to their status. The seniors will always be given priority and no decisions can be taken upon without their consent. If mistakes are made in China it is regarded as a huge weakness. Confucianism has largely influenced the Chinese. It is a ‘complex system of moral, social, political and religious codes’ (Smith, 1973). It is unequal and values men more than women. There are fewer women in the workforce and they are regarded to have less importance than men. Overall, there are many similarities in both eastern countries, Japan and China, with only a few differences. Every nation has their own culture which makes them different and gives a competitive advantage over others. The people in these nations abide by the certain cultures sustaining them throughout generations. There are many differences in the way national culture impacts organisational principles and behaviour in China and Japan than in the West. In Japan, hierarchies are not so clear whereas they are very clear in China. In Western countries, company structures change depending on which industry is being looked at but the overall hierarchies will still be of importance. In both Japan and China, social relationships mean a lot and people usually get given employment due to family and friends and build them up from there. Once they receive employment within a firm, it is usually lifetime employment and they treat the firm like family. However in Western countries, people are given jobs according to their degree and on a professional level. People switch from company to company and their role moves up if they are top performers. Western countries unlike the Eastern are only concerned with employees on a work basis. This is different to Eastern countries that are judged on both home and work and actions outside the workplace can be severe. Men and women are not looked at differently in the Western countries but in Japan and China are given a lower status and fewer women have top positions within the workforce. When a mistake is made in a Western country it is usually overlooked however in Japan it is counted as part of the learning process and in China it is regarded as a weakness. In Japan, decisions are made by groups of up to one hundred people whereas in Western countries they are finalised by only about ten people. Regardless, decisions are still usually made quicker in the East than they are in the West. Corruption is something that occurs widely in China which causes certain decisions to be taken that benefit the rich making the rich richer and the poor poorer. This does not occur much in Western countries as in the UK, such Cartels exist to reduce corruptive actions. There are many similarities and a few differences between both Western countries, Japan and China that have been listed above. The main difference in culture is the East usually treats their nations more as family and actions inside and outside the work place are something they have to account for. The differences are become fewer though, as these Eastern countries are slowly being influenced by the West because of internationalism.References http://chinese-school.netfirms.com/guanxi.html http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/Nguvananh_07b-311673-time-product-business-english-3-finance-ppt-powerpoint/

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Interrelationship between at least two problems Essay

The economy of a state is very important and connected to many things in the life of each and every person. This paper will show that the economics of California affects the education and the immigrants in California. These three things are connected because both education and many things about immigration need money and money is a part of the economy. One of the things that connects the economy with education is Proposition 13 and government budgets. What connects the economy to immigration issues is their contribution to the economy and also their status as workers in the country. Proposition 13 was a move to limit property taxes by voters in 1978 and increased taxes in other places such as income and sales taxes for schools and other local and state programs. Instead, those who benefited a lot from Proposition 13 was large corporations and businesses. If this is what is happening to schools, then it will have a direct bad effect to the education system. It means that education will be more expensive for people especially in the private schools they are enrolling in. Also, the proposition makes it obvious that the government will lack sources of funds because the properties are not taxed. There are big taxes coming from properties, especially businesses, which is why they have less sources of taxes. This means that there is less revenue for the government. Less revenues means less money given to a lot of things that the government has to fund. This includes the money that the government gives to public schools and community colleges because the government lacks budget especially to make the schools better for the students. The smaller budget also creates another problem because school staff could be laid off, smaller classrooms because of more students coming in, putting schools to closure, and cutting school programs that will help many students such as sports, music, and art programs. Because of this, students will have problems becoming better and focusing on their lessons and the things that they have to learn. If it goes really bad, then it will be no different from the poorly-funded education of less prominent nations. Like other poorer nations, students will have very difficult time to pay attention to the teachers which will make their grades lower and decrease the number of graduates. This means that there will be more students who drop out and become juvenile delinquents. Also, teachers who are talented will be lost because the benefits are not good anymore and because some of them will be laid off. In terms of connecting the problems of California government economic and education system, the lower budget for schools affects the immigrants badly. In California, there are 600,000 ethnic minority colleges who rely on government funding. The budget cuts have resulted in less spending per student in important subjects especially in learning English. Because the government spends less money for them, minorities who rely on community college for their education will fall further behind. This will be bad especially because Latinos are becoming a bigger population and are easily growing to soon become the majority of the state and have the characteristic of being less educated. In the end, a less educated population will also mean that things will go bad for the economy also. Because businesses and the economy relies on a competent and able workforce, they need to have quality people working in businesses, institution and even in the government. It’s bad enough that students learn less from community colleges but it’s even worse that there are students who can’t even go to community colleges because of the lack of funding provided to the schools. The state seems to be even scarier especially because the types of jobs that California needs are skilled and need specialized training in college like in health care, education, technology and construction work. The California economy also has a direct effect on immigrants that isn’t coursed through education. We already know that immigrants contribute to the economy by paying taxes, starting a business, and being a good source of labor for companies and businesses. Because of the current good economy of California, many immigrants, both documented and undocumented, are coming in to get better paying jobs than in their home countries and helping the economy grow. The current economy of the state also helps immigrants have better lives than what they have in their third world nations. The economy also helps the immigrants raise their families either in the United States or in their home countries especially when they send money to them. If the economy of California goes down, then a lot of immigrants will lose jobs and will not be able to support their families. Many immigrants will also not have a better life. It’s very obvious that immigrants are an important aspect of the California economy. The government should take care of them and not shun them. If the immigrants are treated well by the economy, then they will help make the economy more prosperous and it will produce a cycle of improvement in the whole state. All in all, the economy of California will affect both the state of education and the state of the immigrants in a directly proportional way and vice versa. If the economy goes down, the system of education will also go down. If the economy goes down, the effect on the immigrants will be negative. If education goes down, the economy and the plight of immigrants will be worse. If the state of the immigrants become worse, it will affect the economy and the quality of education as well. This means that all of these three factors are linked together and a difference in one will affect the others.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Managing the Entourage Club

The entourage club is a company by the students and for the students. The basic aim of establishing this club is to provide the students various forms of entertainment under one roof. This club is different from other service providers in the industry in a manner that it does not have the conventional services like health gyms and sports facilities. But this club is formed to help reduce the stress levels of all the students.The membership will be entitled to people under the age of 30. This club will have various segments catering to the needs of all. The membership fees would be very affordable to attract large crowds. Students of various universities will be hired as managers and will be offered handsome salaries to run the club. Each manager will be appointed based on experience and ability to attract fellow students to the club. The club would have the following entertainment facilities.The entourage club would consist of more than 50 employees that will be working in 6 departme nts. The hierarchy would be a horizontal one so as to improve communication between the departments. Because the company belongs to the services sector where customer satisfaction is the top most priority.The company’s departments include marketing, finance, customer care, maintenance, creative and human resource department. As mentioned above all the managers and coordinators will be students that would be studying in universities. This would be an on job experience for them and would also help them earn money. However a professional human resource officer would manage the human resource department so that quality recruitment is ensured.Managing the Entourage ClubManagement in earlier times was described as an art. But as people started developing various theories of effective management it soon became a scientific study. Successful managers who share their experience mainly contribute most of the theories in management. Since through practical it has gained universal accept ance and recognition therefore they are now available to students studying management and is indeed a great benefit.But many a mangers still believe that management is an art. Successful managers are those who have mastered the art and had capabilities. No one gentleman can become a successful manager by reading and memorizing the theories given in the book (Chandler, 2004).As management is a practical filed. But according to me management is a blend of both an art and a science. Since it requires skills to be a manager and the scientific methodology help polish the skills of person. Rather than him learning the skills in the practical field. As today’s world is a competitive one where there is no time to waste.For e.g. In my club if I appoint managers that are new to the field it will take a lot of time for them to gain experience in managing their employees and being productive at their task. But if, they are aware of the various forms and applications of management that th ey have came across in the theory of management.They indeed will achieve the desired goals in a much small time span as compare to others who have the talent but no prior knowledge. But also if the individual doesn’t possess qualities required for being a manager, then in that case even if he was aware of the theory he would never be successful at taking the company forward.There are four major components of management. They include planning, leading, organizing and controllingPLANNINGOrganizational planning occurs all the time and in all manners. A top-level manager in a manufacturing plant will have different plans as compare to the supervisor who is responsible for assembling modular homes on an assembly line. Planning could include setting organizational goals. In general, planning can be strategic planning, tactical planning, or contingency planning.Planning is the most important step in any organization. It is the backbone of the company on which future goals are based. It is essential to design a strategy in order to make the planning successful.The grand strategy of my company would be attain customer satisfaction and to achieve the faith and loyalties of my customer. To implement this strategy there will be a need of affective marketing and to provide services in the manner they were described to the customers. In that way only the company will be able to achieve their goodwill. For our company a problem is basically defined as any situation that proves to be a hindrance or obstruction in providing the customers with the services they have paid for.Decisions would be made on the spot with the consultation of all the managers of the department to involve them all in company’s decision making. All employees should be active contributors on the company’s affairs and should provide some value addition. The three types of plans that the company uses in its operations include strategic, tactical and operational plans. Â  

Friday, September 13, 2019

How technology (textting) has affected our language How it affects the Research Paper

How technology (textting) has affected our language How it affects the way we process information - Research Paper Example 28-29) describes how spoken language and written language have traditionally been seen as entirely different variations, each with their own set of rules. He explains that speech is â€Å"time-bound, dynamic and transient†, and most often occurs in face to face situations where there is both the chance to use non-verbal means like facial expressions and gestures, and the opportunity for speakers to modify their output depending on reactions coming from the listener. Written language, on the other hand, is â€Å"space-bound, static and permanent† and it is more formal because the writer does not always the person or persons who will be reading it, and must make more effort to clarify the context and anticipate what the reader might be thinking. This traditional view of language sees spoken language as more suited to emotional expressions in a social context, and written language more suited to factual purposes such as recording information or learning about something. When we look at examples of spoken language it is clear that grammar rules are used less rigorously, and there is more tolerance of errors, contractions, imperfect sentence structures, for example someone might say Think it’ll work? and the answer might be No way! The full written version of these sentences would be Do you think it will work? and No, there is no way that this could work! or No, I can think of no way in which this would work! The subject of the sentence is obvious in the spoken context, and the tone of voice conveys that there is a question and answer routine going on here, whereas in a written text these elements need to be made clear for the reader. An interesting study by Barron (2000) looks at the way all language develops and changes as new technologies arrive, for example when manuscripts gave way to printing in fifteenth century England there was immediately a much greater volume of written material available, and also a need for standardization. (Barron, 2000, p.57)

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Explain Jim's character and why he treats Laura as he does Essay

Explain Jim's character and why he treats Laura as he does - Essay Example That is how the play gets its name â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†. Beyond every sentimental elements found in this play, its theme circles around the two characters, Laura and Jim. Jim O’ Connor in the play is portrayed as a hero in his high school age itself. He mastered everything he did and convinced others that he could go farther than they would expect him to. In his teen days, he would sing well and make a circle of fans around him with his wits. He is a pleasing personality that can easily gain room in anybody’s heart. Although he does nothing that impresses others, the conviction in his words leaves an unshakable trust among his listeners. An adventure loving man he is, he changes his life style time to time and searches the new entertaining things to enthrall himself. When Tom meets him at the work place, Jim is an absolute movie fan. Loneliness and youthful inspirations drive his way from one spot to another in search of joy. Jim has been introduced as â€Å"a nice, ordinary, young man† (p. XIII) but his nature is rather skeptical as the way he meets Laura and recollects his past in the play. Jim never seems to be concerned about Laura except for the little love he has for her from the memories. Altogether, his character in the play is nurtured with ambiguity that of a man who willfully conceals his desire to escape situations for better choices with unwillingness to leave his little old love. He poses a role for self deceit when he leaves Laura for Betty, his fiancà ©e. Jim’s character in the play grows rather displeasing to normal audience at the end of the tale because of his ill motivated school days and the loneliness he chose to grow with. As the way his days with Tom’s family grow affectionate, he regains everything he wanted to have right from his teenage. Though he loves Laura, his insider always suggests him a way out- a way that meets his desires at reality. Laura-though is very beautiful like a glass toy, is very fragile

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Assignment- Top Urgent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Assignment- Top Urgent - Essay Example With the evolution of the club into a global enterprise, a significant proportion of the authentic supporters of Manchester United felt alienated by this novel trend towards profit maximization and corporate sponsors. The bursting coffers of Manchester United started attracting hostile takeovers by early 2005. In particular, coveting aspirations of the American investor Malcolm Glazer, least interested in football, commensurately attracted the ire of the Shareholders United, a front of small shareholders owing a sincere allegiance to the club. An impressive number of supporters even managed to float a parallel club. Eventually, Glazer managed to have his way by purchasing a majority stake in the club. The British government preferred to leave the matter to the shareholders. In this altered scenario, Glazer came out with his aggressive corporate plans. In the meantime, the Shareholders United not only swelled in following, but also managed to garner free legal representation and popul ar financial and organizational support. Glazer attempted to dilute such opposition by dedicating some funds for the upkeep of sports and the sportsmen. By June 2005, United reverted to private ownership, courtesy the loans accrued and the support of old veterans. In the existing scenario, the club seems to be the cause of rift between its businesses minded owners and its dedicated fans and small shareholders. In the post Glazer scenario, the club has undoubtedly managed to do well, going by its augmenting fan following around the world, the generation of massive revenues, bee lining sponsors and lucrative merchandizing. Therefore, for the time, the things definitely stand to be propitious for United. However, considering the immense growth potential of football as an international sport, the owners may loose to the upcoming competition from other clubs, if