
Friday, February 8, 2019

Public Schools Vs. Post-Cold War Military Spending :: essays research papers

Public Schools vs. Post- frigidness War Military SpendingEven though the Cold War era is a distant memory, encased in render forever like some museum piece, our government is still expending as if the Soviet Union was in its prime. If the arms race is a bury memory, then why is the military still spending 86% of what it was spending during the Cold War. Its not that us Americans do not deprivation a solid military, we just believe that our military is wasting billions of dollars at the expense of our childrens education and well being.50 years ago our country, and the entire world was in dispa lay out collect of a blotto U.S. military. We inflated our military bud get off, and gave the government and private businesses an enormous appetite. Without a major(ip) threat to the United States since the collapse of the Soviet Union, our government seems to be in competition with itself. 50 years ago we sent scores and tons of troops overseas to fight in a foreign land, time we pu mped private businesses up with the manufacturing of military equipment. The need for such products and the need for an over-healthy military wholeowance is long gone. While we sunk billions after billions of taxpayers money on wars that we were boisterously proud to spend (it gave us all the prestige we could ever ask for), our Allies were investing in their childrens education and well being. The result now is that while we have the or so elite military capabilities, our childrens educational level is extremely nether developed. European and Japanese children significantly outperform American children in math and upper-level reading (NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER NCR, 1999).This should not be besides surprising, our children are studying history books that are from a decade ago. This creates ambitious obstacles for our children to keep up on current politics and other orbicular events. Also the over crowding of classrooms makes it extremely difficult for your child to get that alter fancying which may determine his or her ability to learn at all. Every child learns at a different rate and possibly in different ways, this makes it virtually impossible for teachers to tap into any childs full learning potential. If your child needs that extra, personalized attention, but is not "defined" as handicapped their specific learning needs will most likely be overlooked and that may be the beginning of your childs inability to learn.

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